Chapter Eleven

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I opened my eyes the next morning, unexplainably comfortable and warm. I had my arms wrapped around something…oh my God I had my arms wrapped around someone.

I hesitantly lifted my head, looking up at the person. Oh my God.

It was Kellin.

I glanced at the clock, seeing that it was only eight. Should I go back to sleep? I am awfully comfortable…

I smiled a little to myself as I laid my head back on Kellin’s stomach.


"Hey Vic, you wanna-oh my God, Kellin?"

My eyes shot open and I tried to sit up, but found that I couldn’t. I glanced around me to see Kellin’s arms wrapped around me gently, holding me close to his chest.

His eyes opened and he looked down at me. We both looked over at the door, seeing Tony and Mike.

We both blushed and he let me go, allowing both of us to sit up. I wanted nothing more than for something to swallow me up and make me disappear.

"Kellin? What are you doing here?" Mike asked.

I looked up at him quickly, praying that he had an answer. “Umm….I snuck out last night and got drunk, so I came here instead of going home.”

Mike nodded, but looked between us suspiciously. “You sure you’re not fucking? I mean, both of you like dick.”

I blushed even harder. Kellin was gay? And he called me babe, perfect, amazing, talented…did that mean he liked me?

"Shut up, Mike," he mumbled, embarrassed. "What is it you were asking Vic?"

"Oh, um…do you want to practice? We have a little less than a week to go," Tony stated, looking at me.

"I thought we could cover a song…Beat It, maybe?" Mike added. I stood up and nodded, running my hand through my hair.

"Yeah, that sounds good. Where’s Jaime?" I asked. Kellin grumbled under his breath when I mentioned Jaime. I had no idea why they hated each other so much.

"Oh, he’s in the basement setting up. Meet you down there, okay?"

I nodded and turned to Kellin. “You going to stay and watch?” I questioned as the others left.

He nodded, standing up next to me. “Yeah.” He bit his lip, glancing at me before staring at the floor. His cheeks were still red and it was adorable. I decided to take a chance and stood on my toes, kissing his cheek.

His cheeks flushed an even deeper red and he smiled. “What was that for?” he asked shyly.

I smiled back, a genuine one. “That was a thank you for coming last night. It means a lot that you care so much.”

He shrugged, pretending that it wasn’t a big deal. “How could I not care? You’re important to me.”

I smiled one last time at him before heading to the basement.

Kellin POV

I had a huge smile on my face, and I didn’t think that it was going away anytime soon.

Vic had kissed me on the cheek.

Did that mean he liked me back?

I really hope so.

And he had smiled at me. A real, genuine smile. God, was it beautiful. He should wear it more often.

And he had thanked me for coming over last night. But did he really believe that I wasn’t going to show up?

I shrugged it off as I watched all of them set up. Vic had the cutest expression on his face as set everything he needed up. He looked so concentrated, biting his lip and furrowing his brows a bit. He glanced over and noticed me watching, giving me a shy smile. I returned it, blushing a bit from being caught.

"You really like him, don’t you?"

I jumped and turned my head, seeing Jaime. He had a small smile on his face, his eyes happy-as always-but also filled with caution.

"Yeah," I answered slowly. "Why? Are you going to try and steal him from me?"

He chuckled, leaning on the couch next to me. “No,” he drawled. “I’m not.”

I was confused. “Um…okay?”

He sighed, finally being serious. “I’m just here to say that I’m not going to fight you for him. I can tell that he really likes you and that you really like him. I just want to be good friends with him-which we are. That’s all.”

"Oh." I was surprised, to say the least. All this time I thought Jaime was trying to get Vic back, when in reality he just wanted to be friends.

"Yeah." He shifted a little. "So…why do you hate me? What did I do?"

I blushed in embarrassment. “Um, well…Mike told me that you and Vic used to date, and I thought you wanted him back, so I got jealous. I didn’t realize that you’re just a naturally affectionate person. I’m sorry.”

He laughed, pushing my shoulder. “It’s fine! I would have done the same if I were in your position.”

"So are we okay?" I asked hesitantly.

"Of course!" he chuckled, then got serious. "Bit if you hurt Vic, the rest of us won’t hesitate to hurt you."

I felt the blood drain out of my face, nodding my head frantically. “I won’t hurt him, I swear.”

He studied me for a moment before smiling. “I believe you,” he stated. He patted my shoulder, standing straight. “Win him over, treat him right. You know what to do.”

I looked over at Vic, ideas sprouting in my head. “Yeah,” I stated as Jaime walked away. “I do.”

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