Chapter Twelve

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"Yo, Vic! Are you ready to go?" Mike called from his room.

"Yeah!" I yelled back, fixing my sleeves to make sure they stayed down. Just in case, I had multiple bracelets on underneath.

"Let’s go!" he shouted. As if it were planned, Kellin’s car horn beeped.

We were getting ready to go to Austin’s party. It was December 31, ten P.M. Our band performed on stage in less than two hours.

I think I’m going to be sick.

I followed Mike out to Kellin’s care, going to climb in the back before he shoved me to the passenger. “I know you’re nervous; Kellin will be able to calm you down better than I can.”

I bit my lip and nodded, climbing in. “Hi,” I said to Kellin, smiling at him hesitantly. He grinned back at me.

"Hi," he answered. "You look really good tonight."

I flushed. “Thanks. Um….so do you.”

"Oh my God, will you two just hook up already?” Mike groaned from the backseat. I coughed, caught off guard.

"Well thanks for making it awkward, Michael," Kellin grumbled, pulling into Austin’s driveway.

"Well let’s go and do this," I murmured, climbing out of the car.

I am not ready for this.

Kellin POV

"Hey! When does Vic go on?" I yelled over Austin’s band to Danny.

Vic and his band had gone backstage about ten minutes ago. I was just praying that they weren’t playing at midnight.

"After Austin’s!" he shouted back.

"They’ll be done before midnight, right?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah, no one’s going to play at midnight. You know how Austin is-a huge romantic. He doesn’t want anyone to play just in care they want a New Year’s kiss. Why? Got your eye on someone?" he grinned, nudging me.

I smiled and looked down. “Yeah. I’m going to ask Vic to be mine tonight.”

"Good luck with that, mate," he smiled. "They’re playing now."

I pushed my way to the front, eager to see them perform. Tony had told me that they were going to perform a few songs that Vic was too embarrassed to perform in front of me.

Vic walked on stage and I whistled. I caught the blush on his cheeks as he bit his lip.

I wonder if he knew it was me.

"Uhm, hi," he said into the mike. "We’re Pierce The Veil, and we’re going to play a song called Currents Convulsive."

I saw him nod at Tony before they began playing the opening guitar chords. I smiled as I listened to them, noticing how Vic was steadily gaining more confidence.

They had played about five songs, and it was ten minutes to midnight. “We’re going to play one last song, The Cheap Bouquet! Are you fucking ready?”

The crowd that basically consisted of our school went wild. I didn’t miss the way Vic smiled when he saw this, but continued nonetheless.

I kept checking the time every few moments, getting more anxious the closer it got to midnight. They finally finished and ran off stage, three minutes to spare.

I spotted them near the edge of the crowd, everyone but Vic disappearing quickly. I began walking towards him, glancing at the time. Less than two minutes.

I was two thirds of the way there as they begin counting down from ten. “Shit!” I cursed, speeding up.

"Vic!" I shouted as they got to four.

He turned in my direction, looking confused.

"3, 2, 1!" everybody shouted just as I reached him. Without stopping, I put my hands on either side of his face and pressed my lips to his.

He froze for a moment before hesitantly kissing me back. I felt the butterflies flying around in my stomach as I pressed myself closer to him, everyone around us cheering as the fireworks went off.

We pulled away and he looked adorable, his face red . I couldn’t help but smile and pull him in for another kiss gently.

"Will you be my boyfriend, Vic?" I whispered, looking into this brown eyes.

He smiled a little before nodding shyly. “Yeah,” he answered. “I will.”

We smiled at each other one last time before he turned to face the stage. I wrapped my arms around his waist tightly, his back on my chest.

"Is this okay?" I asked quietly in his ear when I felt him tense up. He relaxed and nodded, leaning against me.

"Happy New Year’s, Kellin," he murmured, making me smile.

"Happy New Year’s, Vic."

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