Chapter Twenty One

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How could Kellin be such a douche? I’m just trying to protect him. I know what those fuckers are capable of, and I don’t want him getting hurt.

I sighed, standing up and heading to Mike’s room. He was lying on his bed listening to music. When he saw me, he took out his earphones and sat up.

"What’s up?" he asked immediately. I appreciated the fact that he didn’t treat me any different.

"Kellin and I got in a fight," I mumbled glumly, sitting next to him and leaning on him.

"Why?" he asked, leaning his head on mine.

"Because I’m trying to protect him and he doesn’t want me to," I muttered getting irritated all over again. "I don’t understand why he’s being such a douche. He knows that I mean well."

"Well you know that he’s younger," Mike reasoned. "He probably feels overwhelmed.

"Yeah," I said glumly. "I’m just worried about him. I mean, Mark and Pau probably know that I told…"

"Wait, Mark and Paul?" mike questioned. I nodded, confused. "You know that they’re Austin’s cousins?"

What? How?

Well, I guess that explains how he knew who they were.

"I didn’t know that," I said softly. Mike nodded.

"Yeah," he answered. ‘But anyways, I’m sure Kellin is fine. He’s probably on his way back now."

"Vic!" Mama called in a panicky voice. It sparked the panic in me, and I bolted.

"What is it?" I questioned frantically. Her face was pale.

"Kellin’s house was set on fire. they’re all on their way to the hospital now."

The words echoed in my ears, and my knees buckled. Mike caught me from behind, holding me up. I slumped against him.

"No," I whispered. "No!" I screamed. "Why? Why is this happening? Please tell me this is a fucking joke! This is a dream, right? Oh God," I sobbed, completely collapsing and allowing Mike to hold my small weight. "This isn’t happening."

Kellin. My boyfriend. My best friend. My safe harbor.

My everything.

"It’s happening, Vic," Mama whispered. "Mike, carry your brother to the car. I’m going to call Papa."

"Come on, big bro," Mike said softly, lifting me. "Let’s go see Kellin, okay?"

I didn’t answer. I couldn’t answer. All I could feel was nothing. Numbness.



"Come on, Vic," Mike tried to say cheerfully. His eyes were bloodshot from crying. "We’re going to see Kellin."

I followed him to the waiting room. Mom was already there with Papa, talking in hushed voiced. I could guess what they were saying.

What are we going to do if Kellin dies? Vic’s going to kill himself.”

And I would.

I wouldn’t have anything left to live for.

I knew it would be dangerous to let Kellin in. But did I regret it.

Not a second.

"Vic Fuentes," a nurse said. "You can see Kellin Bostwick."

I bolted towards his room, still crying. thankfully, he was awake.

"Oh, God," I whimpered, rushing forward and crashing my lips to his. He gently placed the hand that wasn’t casted on the back of my head. I only pulled back when I knew he needed to breathe.

"Thank God you’re okay," I kept whispering. I couldn’t stop touching him, stroking his hair, touching his face.

"I’m sorry," he mumbled. "I’m sorry for not listening to you. I should’ve listened to you…"

"Shh," I whispered. "Don’t I’m sorry for letting this happen."

"You didn’t," he protested weakly. "You warned me."


Hee gave up. “I love you,” he murmured, touching my face. I gave a small smile.

"I love you too. What did you do to your arm?"

"I had to jump out of my window," he answered, causing me to blanch.

"That’s two stories!"

"I know."

"You could’ve died!"

"I know."

"Oh God," I whimpered, sitting in the chair next to his bed and burying my face in my hands. Kellin made a noise of pain, and my head shot up. Thankfully, it wasn’t physical. However, the emotional pain he was in was worse.

"Hey," he said softly, trying to sit up. I jumped up and gently pushed him back down, knowing that he was burned.


"It was better than letting the fire get me," he answered. "I would rather have a slight chance of seeing you again than not at all."

I leaned down and kissed his forehead. “I love you.”

"I love you more."

We sat there in silence for a few minutes before Kellin began coughing. He wouldn’t stop, even when I got him water.

"Nurse!" I yelled, scared.

"I love you," he coughed out. "Remember that."

"No, Kellin! Don’t you talk like you’re going to die!"

He went to say something else before he started shaking. His eyes rolled back and that’s when the doctors pushed me out of the room. I sobbed, falling into my parents arms.

"He-he just-" I kept trying to talk.

I heard the sound that everyone hates the most. The sound that makes your heart break, and your stomach drop.

The sound of a flat-lining heart monitor.


laughs evilly

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