Chapter Twenty Two

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Mike POV

My stomach dropped.

Vic was in Mama’s arms, sobbing uncontrollably. Papa was watching on with sorry eyes.

I couldn’t believe it.

Kellin. Gone.

What would happen to Vic? He would attempt suicide for sure. I know that he used to cut, but I never brought it up. I didn’t want to make him uncomfortable. And I knew that anything I said wouldn’t work.

So I didn’t say anything. And that makes me a horrible brother.

"No! Why?" Vic kept screaming. He was trying to get away from Mama, but she wouldn’t let him go. I bet he was cursing his smallness.

"One, two , thee, clear!" I kept hearing. It made me sick how many times they had to repeat that.

"We’ve got a pulse!"

I turned, startled. Sure enough, Kellin’s heart monitor was going up and down again.

"He’s here," I whispered. "Vic, he’s alive! He’s alive!"

Vic looked towards his room, and burst out into a fresh round of tears. “Oh God, thank God,” he was whimpering.

The relief was short as we heard another flat-line.

Vic looked in panic over at Kellin, but he was fine. We didn’t know who had died until we saw the room the doctors were rushing into.

"His dad," Vic whispered.

"One, two, three, clear!"

We heard it a few more times before they called it quits.

Kellin lived, but his dad wasn’t coming back.


I sat in the chair next to Kellin’s bed, refusing to fall asleep. I came so fucking close to losing him, and I’m not going to fall asleep just for it to happen again.

I heard a small noise from next to me, and immediately looked at Kellin. He was waking up.

"Kells," I whimpered.. He opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Vic," he said softly. I sobbed, holding his hand in mine.

"You were almost gone," I kept repeating.

"I…I died?" he questioned. I nodded, still crying.

"For a full three minutes. They didn’t give up on you though, and you’re here."

"Anything else I should know?" he croaked. I bit my lip.

"I really didn’t want to be the one to tell you this…"

"Tell me what?" He asked fearfully.

"Kellin…..your dad is dead."


First off, this is really short because I have writer's block. But here you go!!

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