Chapter Fifteen*tiny smut warning lalala*

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Kellin POV

It’s been a little over a month since Vic and I got together. Honestly, it was probably the best month of my life, because I spent it with Vic.

I made sure to try and make him feel special every chance I got. I never wanted him to feel less than perfect.

I’ve noticed a change in him. He smiles more, and laughs more naturally. Mike has noticed, and he smiles in thanks every time he catches my eye. I just smile back and nod before pressing my lips to Vic’s again.

I watched him from across the table at lunch, smiling as he participated in the conversation. I felt a tap on my arm and turned to the side to see Jaime.

"Hey, can we go talk for a minute?" he asked, looking hesitant. I was confused, but nodded, getting up to follow him. Vic shot me a confused look and I smiled at him, shaking my head. He smiled back and I blew him a kiss as I followed Jaime out of the lunchroom.

"What’s up?" I asked, leaning against the wall. he grinned at me, nudging my arm.

"You and Vic are so cute together. You make me want to puke."

I laughed, feeling myself blush a bit as I bit my lip and looked down. “Yeah,” I murmured. “I really, really like him…”

"Would you say that you’re in love with him?" Jaime asked, completely serious. I thought for a moment. Was I in love with Vic? It sure felt like it…

"Yes," I whispered. He nodded like he knew the answer all along.

"I can tell by how you look at him," he admitted. "You’re good for him, Kellin. I’m glad he has you. He’s changed a lot since you got together….he’s happier."

I grinned, running my hand through my hair. “I know it’s stilly, but I miss him already.”

"Please stop, I’m going to puke."

We laughed together before returning to a slightly awkward silence. “Are you doing anything special with him tonight? You know, it’s Valentine’s Day.”

I nodded, feeling nervousness bubble up in my stomach. “Yeah. I asked my parents if we could have the house to ourselves tonight and they agreed. I’m going to cook him some dinner and then cuddle with him in my room.”

I blushed while telling Jaime my plans for tonight. He didn’t seem to mind, though, smiling happily.

"You guys are so cute," he sighed.

"I really want to tell him that I love him, but I’m scared…" I admitted in a whisper. I shifted in place, not looking at Jaime.

"I’m going to tell you something, Kellin," he said. "Vic loves you, and he’s not going to freak out if you tell him. There’s just a really good chance that he won’t say it back because he’s scared. It’s going to take him awhile, but just know that he does love you. He’s just afraid."

I nodded in understanding. “Thanks, Jaime,” I answered, honestly grateful. He just grinned, patting me on the shoulder as he walked back to the lunchroom.

I’m going to tell Vic I love him.


"Happy Valentine’s Day."

Vic jumped, closing his locker. I smiled at how cute he was, leaning in and kissing his forehead. He closed his eyes and smiled, leaning into me.

"Happy Valentine’s Day, Kells."

I pulled back, ignoring the murmurs in the hall. Some were judgmental, but I couldn’t care less what they thought about us. The only time I got pissed was when they got after Vic. That’s when shit got real.

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