Chapter Three

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“Ready to go home?” Mike questioned, appearing by my locker. I looked up, pulled from my thoughts.

“Yeah,” I answered quietly, shutting my locker. “Let’s go.”

I followed Mike out of the school as he rambled on, lost in my thoughts once again. Yeah, I had made a few friends, but I was just glad this day was over. All I wanted was to go home, listen to music, ignore the world and everyone in it..

“Hey, Mike! Wait up!” I heard someone shout. I turned around the same time as Mike and internally groaned.

It was Kellin.

“Hey,” Mike greeted. “Want to hang out at my house for awhile?”

“Totally!” Kellin grinned. He seemed to notice me and smiled softly. “Hey, Vic.”

No, I should not like the way my name sounds falling from his lips.

“Hi,” I whispered, shutting down all over again. I just wanted to be alone..

“How are ya?” he asked. I looked up at him with a raised brow, to which he just responded a smile. Why in the world would he care? No one does.

“I’m fine,” I said slowly. He smiled a little more at me.

“That’s good,” he answered softly, then turned to Mike and started up a conversation. I took that as my cue to pull out my iPod and turn the world off.

Almost immediately, It Ends Tonight by All American Rejects began playing. I smiled softly, shoving my hands in my pockets and keeping my head down low.

I just wanted to get home..

Kellin POV

“Dude, you suck at this,” Mike said, killing me once more in whatever game we were playing.

“I know,” I sighed. “Should we ask your brother if he wants to play?”

“He won’t,” he answered right away. “He never does.”

I frowned a little. “Why not?” I asked, then realized I might be a little intrusive. I was about to apologize when Mike spoke up again.

“I don’t know. He doesn’t talk to anyone. He just kind of locks himself in his room and listens to music or something; I don’t know what he does. If he’s not in his room, he’s quiet and will barely talk.”

“Is he shy or something?” I questioned. Mike shrugged, nodding a little.

“Yeah, he is shy. But it used to be only at first, you know? Like, he was shy with everyone, but once he was comfortable with someone, he was himself. He hasn’t been himself for years; I think it’s because of what happened at our other school. Y’know, with the bullying and stuff.”

“Yeah,” I answered softly. I was about to say more, but I heard their mother.

“Michael! Victor! Time for dinner!” I heard her call. Mike groaned quietly, looking up at the ceiling.

“My name is Mike..” he muttered, pausing the game and standing up. “You’re staying for dinner, whether you want to or not,” he grinned, grabbing my wrist and dragging me out of the room.

Vic stepped out of his room the same time we did. When he say us, he took a step back so he was out of our way. However, Mike just grabbed his wrist, too, and drug him with us.

“Mike!” he yelped, pulling his wrist back violently, as if the action caused him pain. “Don’t do that!”

“Sorry,” Mike muttered, stopping and looking at him. Vic sighed, nodding slightly.

“S’fine,” he mumbled, looking down and slipping back into his seemingly-normal quietness.

I smiled at him when he looked back up, wanting to be able to tell him it was okay to talk to me. He tried to smile back, but it seemed to fail as he stared back down at his feet. I frowned, but decided it best to let it go and follow Mike.

“What’s for dinner, Mama?” Mike asked as he sat down. I sat next to him, and Vic sat across from me.

“Pizza,” she sighed, setting about four boxes in front of us. “I got you and Vic your own pizza.”

“Why?” Vic asked quietly, looking up at her with sad eyes. But I was the only one who seemed to notice the emotion in them.

“Because you and Mike eat like horses,” she smiled fondly, ruffling his hair. He made a noise of protest before fixing it. “Who’s this?” she questioned, looking at me and giving me a smile.

“I’m Kellin,” I smiled back. “Sorry, I didn’t know that I was going to eat dinner here until Mike forced me to.”

She laughed. “It’s fine! I’m just glad it was tonight, seeing as their father won’t be home tonight. At least we’ll have enough food for all of us! I’m so glad Mike is making friends,” she smiled, then turned to Vic. “Vic, honey, did you make any friends?”

He didn’t look up from his plate as he took a bite of pizza, his face turning red. “No,” he muttered.

“Well of course you did!” I blurted out, seeing that he was getting embarrassed. “You have me! And Austin, right?”

He glanced up at me and stared at me, long and hard. “Right,” he said slowly, looking away again. I could tell he was relieved though, and smiled at him slightly.

“That’s great, darling,” his mom smiled. “I’m glad you’re making friends here.”

“Yeah,” he whispered. Throughout the whole time we were eating, he barely said a word. When he finished eating, he got up. He took his plate to the sink, kissed his mom on the cheek, then went back to his room without a word. His mom sighed sadly.

“I’m sorry about Vic, Kellin,” she said.

“It’s fine,” I assured her. I just wanted to find out what was going on with Vic..

I didn’t see why I cared so much, but I did. And I made it my goal then and there to bring happiness to those beautiful brown eyes no matter what it took.

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