Chapter Twenty

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I opened my eyes slowly, not wanting to face today. I would have to tell my parents what ahs been happening the past few weeks, and I would have to keep an eyes on Kellin’s dumb ass.

I had no idea if Mark and Paul knew that I told yet. And until I knew for sure that they were locked up, I wasn’t letting Kellin out of my sight.

I sighed, rolling over in my boyfriend’s arms. He was awake, and he was looking at me.

"Hey," he said. I forced a smile.


It was silent after that, neither of us knowing what to say. “What time is it?” I finally asked.

"Nine," he answered, looking down at me. "Are you alright?" he whispered. I closed my eyes, shaking my head slowly.

"No," I whimpered. "I’m not."

"Oh, baby boy," Kellin mumbled. "Come here."

I snuggled closer to him, gripping his shirt in my hands tightly. I sobbed into his shirt, feeling his hands run up and down my spine.

"You’re okay," he kept murmuring. I didn’t know if he was trying to convince himself or me.

"I’m not o-fucking-kay, Kellin!" I cried, going to pull away from him .He tightened his grip on me, but that didn’t stop me from trying to swing at him.

"Vic," he said firmly.

"Why did this shit have to happen to me? What did I fucking do to deserve this?" I sobbed, finally giving up on trying to hit him.

"Vic…" he whispered. I could see tears forming in his eyes, and he leaned his forehead on mine.

"You didn’t do anything," he told me softly. "You don’t deserve this. Sometimes life likes to kick our ass and see if it can get us to quit."

"I just want it all to be over," I whimpered. "I just want out. I want to be dead…"

Kellin stiffened, and I could feel the panic rolling off of him. “No! No, Vic. You don’t,” he pleaded. “I’ve heard you talk like this before. I’m not letting you off yourself, you got that? You’re staying here with me. You’re going to stay in my arms, and I’m going to tell you how much I love and need you. Because I do, Vic. I really do.”

I let out a few quite sobs, nodding into his chest. I knew what I wanted to say, but I was just scared to say it. I was scared of admitting it to myself.

I hesitated, but finally, I said it. “I love you too, Kellin.”

"W-what?" he stammered.

"I love you too. And I need you, so much."

He let out a whimper, holding me close. “Oh God, I love you,” he repeated. “I love you so much it hurts.”

I pulled away a little and tilted my head up. He crushed his lips onto mine, holding my face in his hands. The few seconds his lips were free, he would whisper that he loved me again.

I was beginning to get out of breath, and shockingly, a little turned on.

"Kellin," I sighed, pulling away and tilting my head back so he would get the message. He did, slowly leaning down and pressing slow, gentle kisses down my jaw and around my neck.

"Vic! Mom and Dad want to talk to you!"

I sighed in disappointment as Kellin pulled back, smiling apologetically at me. “I may or may not have told them that we had something to tell them.”

Breathless-Kellic (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now