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Lexie's pov:
A few hours later we land in England and tbh the weather is crap.
We got our bags and found our driver that will drive us until our car is shipped here, this had all happened so fast and the only one on my mind is Hayes. My mom yells at my brother and I because we were both soo out of it. We go to our driver and get in the black Jeep Wrangler. About 30 minutes later and we pull up at a huge house, more like mansion.
"Woah" I say and my eyes widen. My mom laughs at me and my brother and I jump out of the car. I run inside and go upstairs to find 4 rooms. I go into the closest one and find it already had some of my stuff in it, my room is purple, gold and white and it looks amazing (above).
I look at the time and it's like 10:00 at night so I grab one of my boxes and find my pyjamas and go to bed.

Three days later...
So it turns out mom and dad already enrolled me in some fancy British school and it starts today. I'm about to get changed when my mom comes in with a uniform.
"You have to wear this!" She says and puts it on my bed.
The uniform has a maroon skirt and a white button up shirt (short sleeved). I groan and put it on. I look and the skirt and it goes below my knees. I roll up my socks and roll up my skirt so it's about mid- thigh. I go down stairs and eat some captain crunch then my mom comes in with my brother and makes me stand up for a photo.
We grab our bags and the driver takes us to our school. As soon as we get out of the car we can already hear thousands of people yelling and talking, at Davidson's Day there weren't many people, only a few hundred.
I walk in and I try and find the office, on the way I see a few cute boys that I'll have to remember for later.
I finally get to the office and I sit down.
"Hello, are you Lexie Clarkson-" my brother burst through the door as the lady is talking.
"And James Clarkson?" She asks with a smile.
"Um yeah!" I say and walk up to the counter.
"Well, here's your time table, if you need help during the day you can come here. Have fun!" She says and we leave. The bell rings as we walk out, I groan and look at my time table, English. I laugh because I'm in England doing English then I walk off, I have no idea where I'm going. I look down at my time table and then I feel someone bump into me, hard. I fall over and look up to see one of the guys I wanted to remember earlier.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!!" He says in his site British accent.
"Um it's fine." I say and get up.
"Do you need help?" He asks looking at me just holding a timetable.
"Umm yes please, I'm trying to get to English." I say show him my timetable.
"Oh I have that class, come with me." He says and drags me with him.
We finally arrive at English and we sit down, he sits next to me.
"I'm Lexie by the way!" I say and put my hand out for him to shake.
"Hello Lexie, I'm Dylan." He says and shakes my hand. I get glares from random girls, lol.
English was good, I talked to Dylan the whole time and I got his number, he explained that he had a twin and I told him about James.
Today was a good start to a long journey ahead...

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