"What do you think about?"

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Kayla's pov:
I felt really bad about the whole Jason thing but mom said it would all work out then she had that look in her face that meant she had blanked out and was lost in her thoughts. She does it quite often and sometimes a few tears roll down her face. I feel sorry for mom, everyone left her so she always replays memories in her head to remember them as they were, she did the same thing with coach today. Some things up, I mean I knew they were best friends who dated but I don't know anything else.
I walk up to my room and flop onto my bed. I can't stop thinking about Jason. I feel really bad, did I do the wrong thing? Thoughts run around my head and I feel a few tears escape my eyes, then I can't hold it in. I pull my pillow to my fave and scream and cry into it. I usually do this when I'm upset and no one is home, but people are home I just have to hope they don't hear me.
I hear my door open then shut and I look up and see Ben.
"Shh, don't cry. What happened are you hurt?" He says looking for bruises or cuts.
"J-Jason." Is all I could say.
Ben's eyes change from light blue to a dark blue and grey.
"What did he do?!" He says furious.
"He likes me, but I didn't like him and now Im not sure because he won't talk to me anymore and he was the only one at school who cared about me and I ruined all of it!!" I scream and sit down on my bed. Ben looks shocked.
"I'm sorry Ben." I say quietly. He pulls me into a bear hug.
"Shhh. It's all going to be okay." He says and rubs my back. Then Shawn comes in.
"Hey, Kayla I heard." He says and joins the hug.
"I love you guys." I say.
"We love you too." Shawn says.
Mom opens the door and sees us all hugging.
"Boys don't hug her so she can't breathe." Mom giggles. Then she stops, she blanks out.
Lexie's pov:
I giggle at my children then I get another flash back...
Flash back...
"Hayes, I don't want to die yet!" I say and  he remembers that He hasn't grown into his own strength yet. He lets go and I smile at him.
End of flashback...
I remember that night like it was yesterday, the night we bought him the car. He loved it and we drove around town, I miss that.
"Mom?" I hear Ben ask.
"Umm yeah?" I ask.
"What do you think about when you blank out?" He asks.
"Memories." I say plainly then I kiss them on the head and walk out.
"Goodnight mom!!" Kayla yells.
"Night guys." I say and walk to my room and I fall asleep.

The next day...
"MOM GET UP I HAVE EARLY LACROSSE TODAY! COACH WANTS EXTRA TRAINING!!" Kayla yells and I wake up and run to my closet and pick out my outfit.
I run downstairs and make some toast. Then I see the boys run down stairs.
"Mom can you please take us to school? We can't be bothered to catch the bus!!" Shawn asks.
"Alright but you have to come to training too!" I says then we all get in the car. I look at the boys in there Davidson's Day uniform and I giggle, remembering when I used to go to that school with Hayes.
"First stop training!" Kayla yells.
Man, I have one weird family.

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