Never silent... Last chapter (I think)

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One month later...
Hayes' pov:
I see the sad faces of her loved ones entering the venue, people already crying. Kayla, Shawn, Ben and Jason are seated at the front, all crying. I'm standing here welcoming people, handing them small packs of tissues. I'm not ready for this, no way. Everyone is seated and wearing all white, just how she would want it. She was always different, I remember in year 8 she told me she wanted everyone to wear white to her ceremony and I said that she would have to tell someone else because I want to die before her so I didn't have to go through the pain of watching her die.
We sit down and Kayla is crying really hard, Jason sits her in his lap and he hugs her tightly. Shawn and Ben are leaning their heads on each other.
The speaker starts and many tears are shed.

Six months later...
We get out of the car and walk over to her. I crouch down and the twins follow my actions.
"Hey baby." I say and place the new flowers on the dirt.
"I miss you, I miss everything about you. I miss when we used to hang out everyday and do fun things and go on crazy adventures together.
Remember when we used to catch the bus together? Remember when we got married and remember when we said we would love each other till death do its part?" I ask, Shawn and Ben leave me alone and I cross my legs on the grave.
"I remember when I fell in love with you, I remember when you moved away and I felt like I was missing my other half, I remember that night when we stayed up and talked till school the next day, I remember when you used to do my hair everyday and you hated it when I put gel in it. I love you so much but jokes over baby, you can come back now, there's probably a camera here and you're like watching me from England or something, if so jokes over because we miss you. Two weeks ago I found Shawn standing in the bathroom with a container full of pills, a blade and water. I stopped him but he said he wanted to be with you. They've all been diagnosed with Depression and Kayla has mild anxiety. They are falling apart without you. Ben and Shawn got scholarships into North Carolina state college. Kayla and Jason are going well, but Jason is finding Kayla harder to look after now. I remember when I used to feel like I fell apart when you weren't here, every now and then I cry when I go to places we used to go to. I cry every night and when I look at the photos on my phone. I was suicidal for like the whole time and I still am a little bit now, we all have depression and we all miss you. I wish you could come back because I love you. I have to go because Kayla said she wants to talk to you alone, I love you.
Bye baby." I say and wipe my tears as I get up. I hug Kayla and she sits down and waits for me to leave.
I get in the car and we wait.

Kayla's pov:
"Hey mummy." I say cheerfully, I love talking to mom.
"How are you?" I ask.
"I miss you so much mommy, I'm having your grandchild soon. We found out the gender, it's a girl. We're calling her Lexie. We can't wait. She can visit you if you want. She'll love you. Jason was at a meeting today, he might be getting a big job offer, that's good for us. I'm really scared mommy, Shawn tried to be with you and I want to be there too, but I have to have this baby then I must leave it with Jason, then we can hang out everyday. How great would that be? Sometimes I hear daddy crying at night and I hear him get angry and smash plates and glasses when he's mad and blaming himself for what happened. He always blames himself for everything.
He always yells "I LOVED HER! WHY DID YOU TAKE HER!!" In the middle of the night, he's sometimes awake but usually it's when he's having night mares. Shawn yells in his sleep, he yells at the car that hit you to stop and Ben talks on and on about how he wishes you were here. Jason sometimes cries but only quietly and when he thinks I'm asleep, I don't really sleep anymore. We all  miss you. Please comeback as soon as you can or work out with God an arrangement for me to see you. I miss you mommy." I say and curl up into a ball and cry. I hear the door slam and Jason comes and picks me up.
"STOP! WE CANT LEAVE HER!!" I yell looking at mom all by herself. I wave goodbye and mom waves back.
The car starts and we sit in silence.
It was never silent when mom was here.
"Bye mommy."

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