Chapter 5

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I grab my backpack and my skateboard and go downstairs to where Mary Margaret is grading papers.
"Where are you going?" She asks me as I grab the door handle.
"Umm, I need to ask someone something." I inform her. She raises her eyebrows, "I promise I'll be back before it gets too dark. Please."
"Fine," she replies with a sigh. "Don't be gone too long K?"
"Alright." I say as I'm out the door.
I skate to the mayor's house which isn't hard to find seeing as it's the biggest one on the street. I jump off my skateboard and lean down to grab it. I pick it up and walk to the front door. I knock with my open hand, holding my skateboard with the other. I stand there for a couple seconds, when the mayor opens the door.
"Who are you?" Regina asks me.
"Oh I'm umm," I pause. "My name is Claire Baker... I go to school with Henry."
"Oh right." She says sounding annoyed again, "well what do you want?"
"Is umm Henry home? I kinda need to talk to him about something..." I ask her without trying to get into the details.
"Yeah just a second." She replies then turns around and yells, "Henry. You have a friend from school here to visit you."
"Coming!" I hear Henry yell back as he runs down the stairs. "Hey Claire." He says when he sees me, and I wait for Regina to leave before I say anything.
"Hey, I have a question for you." I inform him, "I was going to ask you earlier, but you were kinda missing."
"Okay what is it?" He asks me.
"Did you find out yet?" I ask him, "who was I?"
"I'm still not sure," Henry tells me. "A lot of the people here were just normal average citizens who were brought here because of the curse for no reason. But I think your different."
"Where are you getting all this information from?" I ask him.
"A book," Henry informs me. "Mary Margaret gave it to me. She said 'it would give me hope'."
"Cool," is all I can say.
"I can bring it to school tomorrow." Henry replies, "I hid it so," he brings his voice down to a whisper. "The evil queen can't find it."
"Did you tell your birth mom about it?" I ask him.
"Yeah, she believes me too." He replies, "she promised to help me break the curse. We're calling it Operation Cobra."
"Operation Cobra," I copy then pause. "I like it."
"Thanks, and I'll try my best to keep you updated on the list." Henry says, "and on finding the other you."
"Thanks," I glance down at my watch. "I better get going, bye Henry."
I leave and throw down my skateboard and hop on. The sun is setting so I'm trying to hurry home. Suddenly I see a rabbit hop out of nowhere. I attempt to steer out of the way, but I end up crashing, badly. I pick up my board and limp home.
When I get there I try to sneak in hoping Mary Margaret doesn't notice that I'm late. I limp over to the kitchen, and grab the first aid kit, grabbing some band-aids. I try to clean up all the cuts I got from falling when I'm attempting to do this Mary Margaret walks in.
"What happened?" She asks panicky.
"Umm nothing..." I answer nonchalantly. I limp over to where she is standing. "I just took a tumble, that's all."
"You sure?" She asks, "we should probably get your ankle checked out. Come on." She says grabbing my arm and walking towards the door with me.
"Fine," I say reluctantly. "I only fell off because if I hadn't jumped I would've killed the white rabbit."
"What?" She asks, "rabbits don't live in this area. Are you sure that's what you saw?"
"Yes," I say with a sigh. "I saw a white rabbit."

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