Chapter 34

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I land on hard ground. How far down did I fall down? I look around me and see a table and that's about it. I glance down and see a whole bunch of tiny mirrors. If I was smaller maybe I could see what they are. Or where I am at least. I look at the table again. There is a cake on it with a sign next to it. The sign says: eat me. I pick it up and take a bite out of it, keeping my hand on the cake, unsure of what it will do to me.

I shrink down until I'm smaller then the mirrors, but not by a lot. I check the room now. I will check the mirrors first. Underneath the table I see a bottle, it says: drink me. I put it in the pocket of my blue dress. I look at my outfit. It seems to have shrunken with me, my blue dress and fishnet leggings and boots still fit perfectly.

I walk over to the mirror, but I realize that they are farther away then I thought so I start to run there. I get there only slightly out of breath. I set my hand on the glass part of the mirror to catch my breath, but it'd not as stable as I think. Again I fall through something. This time my fall isn't so long.

I look around me this time and see what looks like a really big garden, I'm not sure how to describe it. The flowers are as tall as trees, but the trees are as small as flowers. I don't see any animals, yet.

"Who are you?" Something asks me and I look up to see what or who it is. It's a blue caterpillar, with glasses on. How strange.

"I'm Alice, who are you?"

"I am the blue caterpillar." He informs me, "and if I were you I would get out of here right now."

"What why?" I glance over and see knights turn and look down the path I'm on and point at me. "Great." I turn to run, but one of them grabs my arm.


I know I should be getting home, but I just can't. If I go back, they'll talk to me about what I did to her. I can't even say her name without feeling immediate guilt. Maybe a walk through the forest will clear my mind? My phone buzzes and I look down. I see that David is calling me and I pick up.


"Where are you Claire?" He asks me, "you weren't at Granny's with Henry and we are getting worried-"

"I know, I know." I reply, interrupting him, "I just need to, clear my head. I'm just going for a walk."


"The woods..." I explain, hoping he doesn't tell me no, "look I just needed someway to get my mind off what I've done, good or bad."

"Okay I completely understand."

"You do?" I ask him, I'm shocked. I thought he would say no.

"Yeah, I think Mary Margaret feels some of the same guilt you do. Just don't be out too late okay?"

"Okay." I reply, "see you later." I hang up the phone and put it back into my pocket.

For some odd reason I've always loved nature. Even after all of the weird things I saw in Wonderland. Would I still be here if I had never gone to Wonderland? I try to get my mind off Wonderland and all things Queen of Hearts related. What were Tamara and Greg really doing together? They obviously weren't going to Granny's, so what else were they going to do? Maybe they were friends in New York, or wherever Greg came from. He seems familiar, just like a visitor we had ages ago. Most likely right after the curse happened and we woke up here. It had felt like years for us, but in reality we had just came to this land. Yeah! I remember his name isn't Greg, it's Owen right?
Authors note: Hi again! If you have a suggestion or anything really. Any thing that you personally think that I could do to improve my story, please let me know in the comments. Then, I can read it and hopefully improve my story in anyway possible. Oh and one more thing I forgot to add when I posted the last part. I might write a sequel, but I'm just gonna stick with this one until later... maybe. Anyways stay awesome and thanks for reading my story, it means a lot that people take their own time to read something I've done.... wow I just realized how cheesy that sounded. But I really do mean it. Thanks, stay awesome!
- Zoey :)

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