Chapter 25

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I run over in the same direction I saw Henry go. I step into the woods and realize that I have no idea on how to find him. I look around and I see a broken tree branch. I run over to it and see what direction it's pointed in. It's pointed towards the well, I think. I head in that direction hoping my instincts are correct.

Around five minutes later I get to the well, I see Regina, Mr. Gold, Henry, and two other people. I run closer.

"Mary Margaret?! Emma?!" I run up to them and hug Mary Margaret.

"Hey Claire." Mary Margaret says, hugging me back.

"How was it?" I ask her, "our world I mean."

"Umm not that great..." Mary Margaret truthfully explains, "but there's nothing we can't do. Where's David?"

"He just had to see you." Regina explains.

"Where is he Regina?!" Mary Margaret asks panicking.

"Gold's shop. He said even if you didn't come back," Regina explains. "There was no reason for him to be awake if you never came back..."

"Well let's go to Gold's shop then." Mary Margaret replies matter of factly, heading in the direction of Mr. Gold's shop.

Henry and I follow them, but I fall into the back due to my slow walking. I walk with them through the town and into Gold's shop. We all crowd into the back, around the bed where David is. I watch as Mary Margaret sits by David's bedside, just like she did during the curse when he was in a coma. She leans over and kisses him, and I see his eyes flutter open.

"Snow?!" David asks a smile breaking on his face, even though he called her by a different name that I'm used to.

"Hi." I hear Mary Margaret reply.

"I never doubted you for a second." David says, still smiling.

"Of course, I had hoped not." Mary Margaret replies and I see that she is smiling too. "Besides we will always find each other."

"Isn't that right." David says kissing her again. "Come on, let's go to Granny's and celebrate you guys returning."

They both standing up and lead everyone out the door. They seem to have the perfect lives at this moment, it's almost as if they don't have a care in the world. All this happiness is almost overwhelming, so I follow everyone halfway to Granny's, then I leave them to enjoy their reunion.

I walk towards the docks, a place I've found is peaceful, and I sit on a bench watching the sun set.

I watch the sunset, then when it's dark, I stand up from the bench I've been sitting on. I turn around and start to walk away, when I hear waves rustle, almost as if there is a ship is coming in. I turn around and see this big ship riding in on the waves. Funny, a few minutes ago the ocean was calm, and nothing was even out on the water. Just to be on the safe side, I run to behind a boat, and watch from there.

I see the boat come in and dock at the harbor. It's big and has red lining, with brown wood. I watch as a board comes down from the boat and two people step off, on is a guy and the other is a woman. When they're both off the woman waves her hand, the boat swimmers then disappears. Then I hear the guy ask her where it went, she said it's just invisible. One of the late night fisherman walks over to them, they exchange a few words, then the woman waves her hand and he disappears too. Who are these people? What do they want?

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