Chapter 28

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I decide to not get into trouble by going to the docks, instead I begin to walk home. I feel the crisp, cool air blowing and it feels great on a hot day like this.

I hear a noise coming from an alley in between to buildings and I stop. I quietly walk over to the edge of the building, and peer down into the alley. I see a woman, most likely the woman from the boat. She's dressed like any other person here, so maybe she's just lost. Then again, we've been here for 28 plus years. I duck back behind the building when she looks in my direction. I look back just in time to see her flick her wrist and disappear in a cloud of smoke. This is a person I know all to well, the Queen of Hearts is here. She probably won't be to happy I forgot about my mission. She never did specify what that was so... Regardless of that, I still hurry back home.

I run up the stairs and jam my key in the lock. It's almost as if I can't get inside quickly enough. I shove it I again, and twist it, pushing open the door. I take off my jacket and exchange it for my hoodie. I put my hands in my pockets to warm them up, and I rub my hands together to get heat in them. I never noticed how cold I was outside until I came inside to the warm loft. I run upstairs and grab my school book I have to be reading. I set it on the kitchen counter. Then I walk over to the cup cupboard and grab my cup that I use for hot drinks out. I rotate it in my hand, and look at it. My cup is garden themed, with a white rabbit and vines wrapping around the handle. I get out the hot cocoa mix, and milk. I grab a pot and pour the milk and hot cocoa mix in the pot. Then I turn on the stove, hopefully I don't burn the house down.

I slowly stir the hot cocoa mix into the mix until it's hot. Then I run over to a different cupboard and grab the cinnamon. It's a necessity for hot chocolate. I pour it into the drink and stir it quickly. Then I pour the entire thing into my cup and see that I made the perfect amount. I add a little bit more cinnamon for an extra touch, then I sigh with satisfaction. I carry it over to the couch with me, grabbing my book off the counter.

I walk over to the couch and sit down. I open my book to where my bookmark was and start to read. After about five minutes, Emma and Henry walk back into the loft. I set my hot cocoa on the table in the living room, and put my bookmark in.

"Hey, where are Mary Margaret and David?" Emma asks me.

"They went to go talk to Regina." I inform her, "they haven't been gone for too long. Maybe around half and hour or so."

"Thanks," Emma says. "You guys are allowed to stay home alone right?"

"No. We're only ten." I inform her, "Mary Margaret said I had to wait a year or two."

"I see," Emma sighs, "you can't come with me... who can I leave you guys with?"

"I don't know." Henry tells her.

"Fine." Emma sighs, "let's go find Mary Margaret and David."

We walk out the door and climb into her yellow slug bug. Henry sits in the front with Emma, and I sit in the back. When we meet up with them I'll tell them about the pirate and his ship.

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