Chapter 40

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I open my eyes and see bright, blinding lights. Where am I? I blink in an attempt to stop it from being so bright. I hear voices all around me, but I don't known what their saying. Someone yells something, I feel something go into my arm, then darkness follows again.


"Miss Alice are you coming to the tea party today?" White Rabbit asks from my doorway.

"Tea party?" I ask him, standing up from my green pastel house. "What tea party."

"You mean no one has told you?" He asks me, scratching his nose.

"No." I inform him, "is there a tea party today?"

"Why yes. And your the guest of honor." White Rabbit informs me.

"I am?" I ask him, "I've never been a guest of honor, to anywhere."

"Well, newcomers are always the guests of honors when they come to their first tea party." He pulls a pocket watch out and glances at the time. "Oh dear!"

"What?" I ask him, panicking.

"I'm late!" He exclaims, closing the pocket watch and putting it away.

"Late?" I ask him, "late for what?"

"A very important date!" He exclaims, "the tea party starts in five minutes, we have to go!" He grabs my hand and pulls me after him.

We arrive at a tea party of sorts. Everyone here looks really sad, depressed. How long have they been here? I see the Mad Hatter, and door mouse? And another rabbit, but this one is brown, just like the door mouse. I sit down in between the door mouse and the rabbit.

"Hello." The rabbit turns to me and offers his hand to shake mine. I shake it.

"What's your name?" I ask him.

"John Mctwisp." He informs me, "what's yours?"

"Alice," I reply. "Alice Kingsley."

"Well Alice, it's a pleasure to meet you." He grins at me, then gets the door mouse's attention. "Miss Alice, this is Mortimer D. Mouse."

"Hello Mr. Mouse, a pleasure to meet you." I shake his tiny hand, or paw.

"Nice to meet you too Miss Alice." He shakes back. "Welcome to Wonderland."

"Welcome?" Someone at the head of the table asks. "More like, deepest apologies." He raises his head from the table, and I see the face under the hat.

"Mr. Hatter?" I ask, "is that you?"

"Yes, that's my 'special job'. I have to run these tea parties." He informs me, "every Thursday once a week, if I miss even miss it one time.... well let's just say I won't make it out of here alive, at all."

"Oh, I see." I reply, "does the Queen make us all do this?"

"Nope, just those she particularly hates." Hatter informs me, "I can tell what she has changed in you."

"What?" I ask him, leaning towards him.

"You," he pauses. "You Miss Alice, have lost the ability to age."


I wake up in a room. There are monitors everywhere and I hear a beeping noise. What is that? Where am I? Who am I? I try to move my arm, I look down and see my right arm in a blue cast. What happened? I look over to where the sound is coming from and see a heart rate monitor. What did I do that made me need a heart rate monitor? I hear the door open and I look over and see a doctor walk in the door.

"How are you doing today?" He asks me, staring at a clipboard.

"What?" I ask him, my voice creaking.

"How are you doing?" He asks again looking up at me, "you remember the car accident?"

"No, what car accident?" I ask him, what's going on?

"Never mind." He replies, "look all that matters is that you were in a bad accident. Good news though, you lived. Yay for you. Bad news, apparently you received slight amnesia. Mind telling me what you remember?"

"My name is Claire, I have lived here since I was three?" I begin to explain, "I can skateboard, I'm not really sure what else... sorry." I pause, "oh and one more thing. My real name is Alice Kingsley."

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