Chapter 29

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We drive to the police station and Emma parks her car out front next to David's car. She unbuckles her seatbelt and opens the door.

"You guys can just stay in here k?" She asks us, and Henry and I both nod in agreement. "Be back in a few."

"Henry I have a question for you." I inform him.

"What?" He asks me.

"Do you think that there are any pirates in the town?" I ask him, i don't think I've seen any in plain sight.

"I'm not sure why?" He asks me.

"No reason." I reply avoiding telling him about the pirate ship. Yet. "Do you miss Dr. Hopper?"

"Yeah," Henry tells me. "I may have his dog, but that'll never replace him."

"Yeah, I understand that." I reply, I've never lost anyone to death. But losing someone by separation can be worse, never knowing anything about them. If their safe, or even if they're still alive. "Things get better."

"I don't remember you losing anyone, when I re-read your story in my book." He informs me, curious to find out more of my story.

"Well my story didn't start in Wonderland." I inform him, "it starts in England. When I first went down the rabbit hole. I had a family there. My story mostly starts in the rabbit hole I guess, but there was a time before that where I had a family, a mom and a dad."

"How come your only way to leave was using a mirror?" He asks me.

"I dunno, maybe because when I was in the rabbit hole I walked through a mirror somehow, and poof! I was in Wonderland." I reply, "it's just a guess." I look down at my watch, maybe if I left now I could look at the pirate ship again, find out more. "Henry I'm gonna go for a walk k?"

"You sure Emma will be okay with it?" He asks me.

"No. But I'll probably be back before she is." I inform him, "if I'm not just tell her I went home."

"Okay where are you actually going?" He asks me.

"To watch the..." I hesitate what should I tell him? "To watch the sunset! It's just about that time of day."

"It's only 5:30." He informs me, "the sun won't set for around a hour."

"Exactly! Plenty of time to walk there." I tell him, "see you later bye!" I climb out of the car and walk away. Hopefully Emma won't be to mad I got bored.

I get to the docks and go to the bench I usually sit on to watch the sunset. I notice I have a perfect view of where I think the pirate ship is. I glance over and see a woman walk towards the ship. I try to tell who it is and realise that it's Belle. She noticed the ship too? I can't believe I found it a second time either. I haven't seen it since that close call with the pirate, but I hopefully am at the right location.

I see her walk on board and that's the last I see of her, she disappears under whatever is keeping the ship invisible. Around 5 minutes later, I see someone else exit the ship. It's not the pirate, or Belle. I watch them walk towards town, but I shrug, I didn't realize there was a third person that night who was on the ship.

Five more minutes after the stranger leaves the ship, another person shows up on the docks. I see that it's Mr. Gold and I stand up immediately. How did he know about the ship? Did Belle inform him. I decide it's none of my business and quickly walk home.

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