Chapter 33

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I walk into Granny's and the bell rings. I walk over to the booth where Henry and Ruby are sitting, talking. I sit down and listen to their conversation, only half paying attention. They mostly talk about the differences between the Enchanted Forest and Storybrook. I try to pay attention, but I just can't keep my mind off what we did to Cora.

I failed my mission. I didn't protect Regina, and I killed her mom, probably the only one who could get me home. No, I didn't kill her mom, someone else did, and that's not my fault. The choices of someone else, are not my choices. Where did Mary Margaret go? The affect of what we have done on me, must not be as big as the guilt Mary Margaret feels. I lost my mom, because of Cora, but now Regina lost her mom because of Mary Margaret and I.

England (Before Alice Came to Wonderland)

"Mummy?" I ask my mom, running up to her.

"Yes darling?" My mom asks me, closing her book.

"Can I go play in the garden? It's such a beautiful day!" I exclaim, grabbing her hand and giving her my best smile.

"Well I don't know-" she starts but I cut her off.

"Please? I won't go far and besides Diana can come with me." I persuade her, looking at my sister, who is peacefully reading, underneath our tree.

"I suppose." My mom agrees with a laugh, "just don't fall down any rabbit holes or anything." She jokes with me.

"But mummy, rabbit holes are to big for girls like me." I say with a laugh as I run off and go over to my sister. "Hello Diana."

"What do you want?" She asks me, still looking at her book.

"To play!" I exclaim, "mummy said you would."

"Great. We if you couldn't tell I'm busy." She informs me matter-of-factly.

"But Diana!" I tug on her arm, trying to pull her to get up.

"Go away!" She exclaims as she shoves me, and I fall backwards. I expect myself to hit the ground, but instead I fall back, farther and farther.


I leave Henry and Ruby to their conversation. If Regina does find me and she is mad, I deserve whatever she does I suppose. She has a right to be mad at me, I think... I'm really not sure what's good or what's bad any more. I was told killing was bad all my life, but someone was just killed and everyone said it was good...

I make a mental list in my head.
Good things in life: Sun, rainbows, happiness and joy, peace right?
Bad things in life: hate, meanness and death. Right? Maybe something really is wrong, maybe my whole life I've seen the good side of people. Except with the Queen of Hearts. But just now, I've seen the meaner side. I'm so distracted by my thoughts I accidentally bump into someone, knocking both myself and them, onto the ground.

"Sorry, I seem to do that a lot for some reason-" I stop but I'm cut off.

"It's fine, just forget it happened okay?" They hastily tell me.

"Okay. Wait your that person who was in the car crash right?" I ask him, "and your Neal's fiancee?" I ask the lady standing next to him.

"Yeah," the man responds. "Greg Mendel, nice to meet you." He holds out his hand and I shake it.

"And I'm Tamara." She extends her hand out and I shake it also.

"Of you guys are looking for Neal, he's kinda preoccupied..." I explain to them, "but I can go find him."

"Oh no that's fine." Tamara tells me, "I was just on my way to my run when I bumped into Greg, not literally like knocking him toothed ground or anything." I force a laugh.

"Yeah, sorry about that." I apologize again.

"It's okay, no harm done." He replies, then continues the story, "turns out I was pretty lost. So Tamara offered to take me to Granny's." I can tell that's obviously a lie, but I try to ignore it. Maybe Emma was right about her.... "when we bumped into you." I glance down at my watch to make up an excuse.

"Oh, I umm better go." I wave goodbye, "it was nice meeting you." I walk away, turning down the nearest alley and waiting.

Authors note: Hello again! I've made a decision about my story and I'm pretty happy I did. I'm typically super indecisive but thanks to the input I received, I made a decision. I am just going to continue this story. Thanks for reading my story!!! Stay awesome!
-Zoey :)

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