Ch 3: Who Took My Sunshine?

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Natsu's P.O.V.

I went inside the guild to check if Lucy was there, but she didn't seem to be anywhere in sight.
"Hey, Levy do you know where Lucy's at?" I asked the short blue haired girl in front of me. "I haven't seen her since last night when we went shopping, though she was really tired, so maybe she's in her apartment" she concluded.
"Thanks Levy" I waved her goodbye and started walking towards Lucy's apartment.

I kept knocking on her door, which was weird for me because I usually just went through her bedroom window.
She didn't answer any of my knocks, so I went through the window she always forgot to close. Her sent was very light, maybe she went out to buy food? Job? No, she always leaves a note or tells somebody, so I won't worry about her. And now I was starting to worry A LOT.

If she didn't leave a note or tell someone where she was going then maybe she was kidnapped. Crazy thoughts and ideas started to come up into my brain.
I went out the apartment and landed straight on my feet like a cat and that's when my nose got another different, but familiar smell.

"Who's smell is that?" I asked myself out loud. The smell of Lucy and that person were mixed together, so I knew that 'somebody' had been with Lucy. And that I did not like since it was a guy.

I kept sniffing around, but the person's name just didn't want to appear in my head.
"Maybe they are one of Lucy's old friends that I met a long time ago?" I asked myself once again out loud.
Lucy's friends...Lucy's friends...that one guy! What was his name.....I know I hated him, but what was his name?

Tttt...Tony? No. Rrrr...Ron? No. Ssss...Saito? Hmmm...yes! That was it! Wait....SAITO! That bastard!

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