Ch 19: Come Back, I Beg You

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Wendy's P.O.V.

Passing blood to Nashi's body from Lucy's body really took a lot of energy out of me. I was exhausted, but I also remembered Lucy saying goodbye while everything was going on. Does that mean she actually didn't make it?

Natsu was standing next to me, as stiff as a stick.
Holding a crumbled piece of paper in his clenched fists and staring straight at his love's lifeless body. I looked up at his face.
He looked like he could destroy the whole world.
He looked like he could tear up every human's body piece by piece and still not be satisfied.










He screamed his heart out, it didn't stop, his scream seemed like it could last for hours. He fell to his knees and his face landed softly on Lucy's lap.
All I could do was stand there and listen to his sobbing.
"I-I....Natsu". I couldn't help him, not this time. I was also crying. I sat on Nashi's bed and let every single drop out of my eyes land on the Nashi's plain sheets. Thinking of why I didn't stop her. She said she could've died so why didn't I flinch, why didn't I protest. Natsu stood up, shivering, and crying. "Stay here with Nashi, Wendy". His voice was wobbly and shallow.
He grabbed Lucy, princess style and headed out the door. Leaving the room in dead silence.

Natsu's P.O.V.

How the hell did I let this happen? I promised I would protect her, but now she's dead.
I still have the note she passed to me while she was dieing. Maybe, it explains why she did what she did. But still, reading that note won't bring back my Lucy. I climbed through her window, making sure not to harm her body. Putting Lucy on her warm, and pink bed made me remember all those times I had I a crush on her, and came almost every night through her window just to hear her voice or see her breathtaking face.
As I covered her body with the cloth. I brought out her note from my pocket and read it out loud as of Lucy was a young child and she wanted to hear a fairy tale.

Dear Natsu,

As I expected, I didn't make it since you're reading this note. I can't fit much on this note, so I want you to know that I love you, and I don't want you to feel bad all your life about my death, so please continue your life. Take care of Nashi. Fall in love again. Take care of our guild. I was really excited of seeing you in a tuxedo again for our wedding, but I guess it didn't work out that way, huh? Anyway, thank you for making my life so wonderful and for making me have a reason to live. I love you and take care of yourself, Natsu.

                               Lucy Heartfilia

How could I ever find someone I love as much as Lucy? Now I was crying more than I was in the beginning. I will do whatever I can to bring back Lucy. Lucy Heartfilia, I will bring you back! I promise!

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