Ch 14: On With The Story...

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*8 Week Time Skip*

Natsu's P.O.V.

About eight weeks have passed since Nashi Dragneel was born, so its been eight weeks since an angel came into our lives apart from Lucy.
They're both sleeping on the couch right now, looking like cute and squishable puppies. Although you shouldn't squish puppies, they both look adorable.

So much has been going on for my mind to handle, it's not like it's something horrific has happened or anything it's just that. . . . .



I mean these are all my dreams. Lucy. My daughter, Nashi.



But...maybe I'm not the best parent or husband for Lucy and Nashi.
What does she even see in me?

As I sighed I heard soft footsteps come my direction.
"Hi.....Natsu", yawned Lucy while rubbing her eyelids with the back of her palm.

Her short and tight shirt showed her creamy stomach and clevage making blood rush to my cheeks.

Even if we had a child and are about to get married, she still gave me that 'butterfly' feeling everyone talks about. "Morning, Luce".

"What are you doing, Natsu?"

She questioned bending down towards the desk I was reading at. "Ha. . .ha nothing much" I responded covering my book with my arm, but my nervous smile gave it away.

"Are you reading?" she asked covering her mouth from her giggles.

"Um...well at least trying" I scratched the back of my head awkwardly. Lucy was about to speak, but a quiet baby yelp was heard from the living room.

We jogged towards the room where Nashi was crying in the lavender colored crib.

"She wants to hear you read, too" teased Lucy grabbing the baby from the crib.

"I'll go make breakfast, you hold her" Lucy passed Nashi to my arms and headed to the kitchen where she soon would fill with delicious food.

* time skip to the guild *

As always Lucy and Levy were gossiping and joking around at the back table with milkshakes in their hands. "What's up, flame brain?!" cackled Gray.

"Look, ice princess, I would beat your ass up if I didn't have Nashi in my arms right now".

"Excuses! Excuses!" he shouted. I was about to speak my mind, but Mira inturpted me with a lecture.

"Natsu! You shouldn't be speaking that language while Nashi's around. What if Lucy finds out? I don't think you will live to see tomorrow"
She laughed a bit while pointing at the baby whom was playing with the tips of my white scarf.

"You're on thin ice, mister" yelled Lucy from across the door giving me a death glare that stabbed my soul.

"Love you too" I gulped nervously knowing that if she found out I had done it before, I would have been dead already.

"You're going to die soon, but don't worry I'll read a poem at your funeral" teased Gray.

"You know what. . . Shut up"

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