You used to be

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Hux put the ship into light speed towards Starkiller Base. "We are nearing base when will she wake up?". Soon she will wake up that's why I will strap her into the interrogation table in the room on the 3rd floor.

"Ok Kylo what would you like me to do?". Just get us to the fucking base alright?! Hux rolls his eyes and steadies  the ship and lands it perfectly. His emotions started getting to him as he tried to put them off.

Kylo carried her bridal style all through the corridors of the hallways. He then entered a small room and put her onto the table and pressed a button that restrained her. He stood and waited for her to awaken.

I slowly open my eyes and look where I am and look around for an escape route. Then I lung foreword but I'm held down by these fucking restraints. And I look to the left and see Kylo Ren.

Ben let me go I say through my teeth. It's fucking Kylo Ren say it wrong again and I'll kill you right here! You used to be him now ure gone! Haha I'm so afraid of you B... I felt an immense burning by my face and the red glow to my left.

I stare him down what do you want from me. You know what I want and you will give it to me. No your not getting the map I turn my head because I'm a bad liar. I don't have it we never found one.

I love it how your trying to deni me. He raises his hand and get a shooting pain through my head and start to panic. I'm gasping for air from the excruciating pressure. Tell me where it is?!

I'm supprised that I can not read her thoughts she must have a natural wall I am unable to read. I will have to get the information out of her some how although. This will be more difficult.

He stopped the pressure on my head I felt like I was going to puke. My eyes roll backwards in my head from the pain that still lingered. Kylo I'm not telling you!

Very well then he released the restraints and raised his hand and my hands couldn't move and were behind my back. He pulls me to my feet and gets on his knees to be eye level with me.

I will get it from you somehow just wait. Then he stands and I feel the fear in me rise as I remember how big he was again. He told me to follow so I did and we went through a number of halls.

He was looking for Hux and found him in the control room I stared at them talking and Kylo force pushed me down I scream quickly from the sudden push and land on my knees.

This is her my old friend well... The girl I used to know she turned weak. I glare at him as I know he's probably smiling behind his mask. Hux smiled towards me the smile that I have always hated.

Kylo starts to talk so are the plans comeing through general. "Yes they are in motion now that we have her, did you get the map?" No she has a natural wall I can't read her. "Hmmm no matter she is still capable of telling you... And here is her room key."

Thank you I shall focus on matters with you in a while no matter. Now come you bitch I am releasing you, better not try anything funny because you will pay by me and I'm keeping score. There is a stromtrooper outside ure door and he is full aware to stop you.

Just let me go back home please I plead. I remember this all too well I start to get dizzy and stumble around and feel the pressure getting heavier I fall on the bed. I will get the information somehow young one you will see.

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