Joining The First Order

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Are you shure that you want to join the First Order? Because if not I will treat you like a prisoner like you were before... Wait you hate choking me and and slamming me on the ground? I give a disturbed glare his way. Yes but I was not going to say so before but you insulted me in front of stormtroopers and so on so I took my authority and was showing punishment so I did not look weak.

So you didn't mean to do that to me I don't believe you. I was confused I didn't know that he did not mean it. We have to go to Snoke and tell him the news. Ok but Kylo I'm scared he's like huge and terrifying. It's only a hologram you will be fine. Will you come in with me? Yes I have to and so does your secret admirer redhead.

Fucking asshole I hate him why does he like me like that I don't like him that sociopath. He snickers through his mask, because he hasn't had any contact with women because he acts like an idiot. I think to myself yeah we all know that one...

We get to the doors and I see Hux standing there leaning against the doors. We all enter the room and I can feel Hux's breath down my neck and his stupid dirty grin that I know he has. The walls in the room seemed that they never ended just fade into darkness.

Then the huge stone throne that was filled by a hologram of Snoke. Man he looked scary skin pure white, bald with huge scars everywhere that I could see on him. We got to the small circle then we stopped walking and we started talking and I got down onto one knee showing submission.

Kylo starts to talk... Morgan the Jedi from the Resistance wants to join The First Order Supreme Leader. "And what makes her so worthy?" He says in a dangerous tone I start to quiver and sweat a little. Well the Jedi have tought me nothing I'm new to this but, I could bairly defend myself I have felt like they gave up on me as well, I feel like I would make a better decision as for fighting along side The First Order rather than be with the weak Resistance.

"Hmmm so you want to be worthy to us?... Kylo Ren would you take her as your Padawan and work with her constantly and teach her the right ways of the force?" Yes master he kneels on the ground as well next to me.

I shyly look at him just slightly so he doesn't notice. God he's grown so huge such a intricate body figure and he's very powerful with the force too strong for any Jedi I know to defeat him... But damn he looks so good in his robes, shit he can't find out that I like him or that I'm thinking like this because he broke through my wall in my mind.

"General Hux do you agree with this?" " Yes supreme leader Snoke you always make the right judgements." "You are all dismissed, everyone welcome our new soon to be lord." He said with an evil grin then disappeared. I start letting out breaths quickly.... shit I was terrified.

About Snoke? He's not that bad or about me knowing that you have some high school crush on me? Fuck he knows and then my face flushes to a red no I do not where did you get that from?! You schould know... Fuck. I don't know what things your thinking about Kylo or why you would even bring that up but I think the darkness is fucking with your head.... I am positive that it is padawan. He said in a smartass tone of voice even I could read through his mask.

Training starts in 1 hour from now so go change into something we are going to be training pretty hard. I look at the time it's 8:00pm, Yes Master I quickly say. I quickly walk to my room followed by Hux then I slam the door in his face and lock it knowing that he can't come in fucking perv that he is. The fucker I can hear him grab his keys I force push them out of his hand and laugh.

Now that I think about I can kick his ass all that I want right now because I belong to The First Order now, I smile hmmm now I can fuck with him all I want. I grab a pair of black underarmour shorts and a black sports bra and black tank top god I swear they only have a few color clothing choice in here.

I walk out and see that Hux is gone thank god but then, Kylo sees me and I walk next to him. First me and Hux have to tell you your daily routine you have to follow... Ohh good more rules how fun?!

We walk into the small conference room and Hux sits to my left and Kylo at my right. "Ok so what were we thinking about wake up time Lord Ren?" Perhaps 7:00am? Come onnn that's early. Padawan you need to do as I say?!

I sigh.... Yes master. Ok then go to breakfast at 8:00 am then from 9:00-11:00 you will learn command drills with Hux. Ooh you got to be kidding me. Then lunch at 12:00. From 1:00-4:00 I will teach you force tricks. 5:00 is dinner. 6:00-10:00 is regular training.

Does that sound manageable General Hux? "Yes that sounds fine." Good that starts today and it is 6:00 so we shall begin training. Me, Hux, and Kylo all leave the room. And Kylo walks to his room which is 4 doors down from mine on the left. It's a majorly bigger room then mine.

Damn I wish I could go in there with him... The things I could do to him. Shit shut uppppp! I need to get my head under control. Training, training, training, I keep repeating to myself.

He walks out with his training robes on and his mask and saber on his belt. He walks his normal fast heavy pace. Kylo! Slow down my legs are short unlike yours. Freaking why do I always fall for big men?... Sadly my brain answered that question. Because there most dominant, ya know what brain shut up, or he's going to find out about all this.

We enter the room I shut the door. Master? Why don't you take your helmet off ever? I'd like to see your actual face. He pressed the sides of the helmet and lifted it off of his head.

Holy shit he actually took it off. His hair black and shoulder length and wavy. Beautiful face structure and jaw bones, dark hazel eyes, big full lips. Fuck he was so perfect so defined and structured, he aged so well.

Come padawan he says and waves his finger towards the mats. Dam his voice was as deep as the helmet sounded it was so sexy. I get to the mat and stand in my fighting stance. We fight for about an hour. He teaches me tricks and ways to set other people up. I'm sweating so badly from working hard and this lightsaber.

Then we do workouts and excersizes. He was panting so hard and took off his top robes so he was only in his pants. I watched him slide it up and over his head and watched it fall to the floor. His body was gleaming with sweat. But ohh my god he had the perfect six pack and they were so defined and strained.

His chest and torso were so huge and long but it fit perfectly with his body. His veins were popping out of his arms as he continued the workout. I hope he's not reading my mind at the moment because I can't get rid of the thought of his body.

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