Bitch Fit

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I wake up from his stupid mind trick that he put on me making me go unconscious earlier. God he was a bitch.

I walk around the room and look at the plain gray colored walls made out of metal. I looked in the dresser and found some clothes so I changed out of my Jedi robes into just a black shirt and jeans.

Just then I hear a knock on my door from the stormtrooper. No Kylo can't come in I reply annoyed. The door opens and Kylo walks in. Can't you fucking hear?! I said I don't want to be bothe....

I start to feel my throat crushing as he grabbed my neck and threw me outside the room. He then gets on one knee of you try that stunt again I'll do worse now move. I, Snoke, and General Hux want to have a small meeting with you.

I stand and ask ohh no restraints this time that's new? I grin up at him. I have already warned you before little weak bitch. I then quickly punch him in the dick and try to run before I feel my legs freeze and I face plant.

My nose was bleeding all over the floor and my lip was swollen. He then got off of his knee and stood up fully. Get up you weak bitch... Just like I said. Wow I thought he was barley hurt nor angry or he was going to have one of his bitch fits.

He put his hand on my back but I shook it off. Then we walked down the corridor to the conference room. He put his hand on my back again with more pressure. I couldn't resist pushing against him now his hand filled up half of my upper back.

We then walked into the conference room I sat down where he pointed to. Then he sat next to me. Hux looked at me up and down with that nasty grin of his. Then Kylo looked at him and he stopped.

Snoke starts to talk "so I hear Lord Ren that you are trying to get the map from her?" Yes Snoke I know she has it but she seems to deni such information. "I presume a different approach Ren?" If it comes to it Snoke.

I started getting worried and jumped out of my seat and slammed through the door. The stormtroopers all started shooting at me but I sprint ignoring them.

Kylo sprints out of the room don't shoot at her you fucking idiots she has something we need we can't let her die! He then sees me and force pushed me into the wall. And he strolled angerly towards me.... I knew he was pissed.

For once I was terrified and I slowly crawled away from him on my back. He screamed under his mask. Then right before he got to me I closed my eyes ready for him to hit me or choke me again.

But I didn't feel anything that's when I noticed he stopped in the hallway and picked up something. FUCK! It was the map it must have fallen out of my waist band. He then shoved it into his pocket and turned and went to walk away.

I can't let him get it! So I charged at him he turned around and I dropped my shoulder into him. He just stood there and I looked at him and said ohh fuck. He grabbed the base of my neck brung me to the control room.

Hux said "ohh Kylo why don't you have restraints the poor things neck is beat red." Never mind Hux here put this in I want to see it. Hux puts the small flash drive in the console.

It displays the planets and small lines connecting them but then cuts off. There is supposed to be a full fucking map Morgan?! I only got that I don't know the rest where it is! How am I going to find it from just this?!... there is another piece where is it?!

He drops me to the floor I gasp for air and sit curled into a ball coughing. He gets his lightsaber out and starts pacing the room. He slashed at a few control panels then turned it off and slammed his lightsabre onto the table.

Hux said "the other map has to be somewhere just let her take time the longer we uhmmm." Hux coughed "keep her here and interrogate her she will give." He laughed "she's a weak resistance scum anyways she will break... Easily."

I death glare at Hux and walk over to him and he smiles that perverted smirk. But Kylo force holds me in one place so I couldn't do anything to Hux. I walk back down the hallways and Kylo follows with his hands behind his back.

He follows me to my room at the right of the hall. He points the stormtrooper away from my door. I go in the room and slam the door closed. So now Kylo sits outside my door instead of a stormtrooper. I hope he gets called off I fucking hate him and Hux both.

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