Chapter 2

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Forget the Mask
Chapter 2

3rd Person's POV

It was a bright and early Saturday morning, and Marinette's up bright and early, and no your ears are not failing you.
As unusual as it sounds she actually forgot that she had a group project with her one and only dream guy, Adrien.

"'re up early." Tikki said rubbing her eyes as she flew down from the bed towards Marinette.

"Huh? Oh mornin' Tikki. Your cookies are over there." Marinette said sleepily as she was pointing towards the table she usually works at.

"Wait, Marinette! Don't tell me you stayed up all night- again!" Tikki yelled as she flew over to face Marinette.

"Again? What do you mean again? I slept properly last night." Marinette answered as she also made eye contact with Tikki

"Sure, if you call an hour of sleep a proper night's rest. An akuma even attacked that night!" Tikki started.

"-you staying up all night is because of this STUPID contest!" Tikki yelled in her squeaky voice. Once she realized what she had just said she covered her mouth and looked straight at Marinette once again.

"I-its not stupid Tikki! You of all people should know that! This contest is a big stepping stone for MY dream and MY goal! I have a life outside of being Paris' saviour!" Marinette yelled at the little kwami who gave her an apologetic face in return which made Marinette sigh.

"I'm sorry Tikki. But I really want to win this contest this year!" Marinette explained.

"I'm sorry too Marinette. It's just that the safety of Paris is in your hands and if you fell asleep during patrol it'll get bad" Tikki said and sat on top of Marinette's shoulder ignoring the scent of cookies lingering in the room.

"Don't worry Tikki! I'll surely be annoyed by Chat's puns!" Marinette giggled at the thought of Chat every night they patrol.

"Your right. Oh Marinette, you should cover all of Adrien's pictures on your wall. They're coming over right?" Tikki asked


"What do you mean huh? Marinette its the weekend! They're coming at twelve noon!" Tikki yelled

"......! Oh my gosh Tikki your right! I totally spaced. Come and help me cover the pictures up." Marinette yelled as she ran to get fashion contest posters, tripping in the process.

She covered each of the pictures of Adrien, carefully.

Then she went back to her work, and when she was about to sew the jacket she realized she's out of materials. Well, most of the materials. All that's left is a tube of pink thread, three rusty needles, half a yard of black cottony soft fur like material and that's it.

"Well, time to go shopping." Marinette shrugged, losing all her sleepiness a while ago. She grabbed her purse and headed out the door.

"Oh come on Nino! You can't be serious!" Adrien's joking voice rang through the room as a conversation is being done through the phone.

"Dude, its a one time thing. Just tell me who knows where she lives." Nino's voice was heard from the phone.

"Geez you have it bad." Adrien said
"You have it worse, your practically drooling over Ladybug" Nino countered.

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