Chapter 10

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Under the Spotlight is finally published! Yay!
Forget the Mask
Chapter 10

Marinette's POV

I am currently cursing the day Chat Noir was born. If he doesn't exist I wouldn't be in this 'Alya-needs-Deetz' mess.

"Seriously girl! How did you meet chat?" She asked for like the hundredth time and I shall answer it still.

"For the billionth time, he helped me once! That's it!" I answered slouching down my sit as I tried to pay attention to Madam Mendeleiev. Don't ask how I answered the question asked for a hundredth time for a billionth time, just don't.

"Pay attention Marinette!" She yelled as she wrote more chemistry notes on the board. I just nodded and glared at Alya who just snickered in amusement.

The day passed by quickly and as soon as we went out of school I was dragged to the park by Alya. I don't know why but Nino and Adrien are there.

"A-alya why is Nino and A-Adrien here?" I whispered to her which she just said it's for interview things.

"Hey dudes. Nino is the camera set?" Alya asked, wait what Camera?

"Woah! Woah! Wait!" I said as I stopped walking and Alya looked back at me.

"What do you mean camera? You're gonna film it?!" I asked out yelling both nervously and surprisingly.

"Of course, as a journalist, I need to preserve every bit of information." She pointed out as she led me to sit down besides Adrien.
Why is Adrien even here?

"So let's start. Adrien, I heard from Nino that you told him that you saw Chat Noir head towards Marinette's house's direction, is that true?" Alya asked, wait.....Adrien saw us?! What if him seeing ruined my chances with him?! Oh no! What will I do?

"Oh Uhh, yeah. It is?" He answered, it seems like he doesn't know what is going on.

"I see, I am also aware that you have curfew and it's like two in the morning when the attack and visit happened. How did you witness it when you're supposed to be in your room by then?" Alya asked suspiciously. Ugh, don't tell me she's still on the Adrien is Chat idea? I mean, how can dreamy and nice Adrien Agreste be that flirty and annoying Chat Noir?

"Photoshoot." Adrien answered getting nervous. I didn't know that Adrien gets nervous around Interviews, he's a model so I was sure that he's used to it by now.

"According to your schedule found in Marinette's room you have until the month off." Alya said, wait....Alya that was supposed to be a secret.

"Uhh, did I say photoshoot? I Uhh....n-needed to buy something. That's why I was out and Uhh.....what do you mean schedule in Marinette's room?" He answered and I just glared at Alya who immediately covered her mistake up.

"W-what do you mean Marinette? I said Bridgette!" She quickly said which I doubt Nino believed but hopefully Adrien did.

"Anyway, let's move on. Marinette, how did you and Chat get so close to each other that he's visiting you?" Alya asked as she looked at me seriously and as I opened my mouth she quickly added -ALL the deetz-

"Uhh, well.....t-there was this akumatized classmate of ours named the Evillustrator and he asked me to go to his birthday party and no matter what I did I couldn't say no." I said hoping for it to be enough but no.

"-and I'm pretty sure that that means trouble so I asked Ladybug to-"

"Woah girl! You know Ladybug?! Why didn't you tell me?!" Alya yelled out and the other two seemed curious, especially Adrien.

"Yes! Now do you want the story or not? Because if not I'll be glad to stop but if you do then I'll reluctantly do so." I said as Alya just mentioned or me o go on.

"So I asked Ladybug to help me, and it turned out that she has this Mission to do so......"

"Instead of Ladybug, Chat Noir came." Alya finished for me and I just nodded.

"How about you Adrien, do you have any connections with these two superheroes?" Alya asked and Adrien just shook his head.

"Ok then, Marinette you shall make Ladybug agree to an interview with me." Alya says as she stored away the camera and before I could answer she was dashing away with Nino, probably gonna put it on her blog.

Wait....that means I'm alone with Adrien.

"S-so Uhh, Adrien.....w-were you able to go home s-safely?" I asked trying to start up a conversation.

"Oh Uhh, y-yeah! You?" He asked Andi just nodded, well that's a great way to end a conversation Marinette. Note the sarcasm.

"So Marinette, what do you think of Chat Noir?" Adrien asked suddenly which caught me off guard.

"Huh? Oh Chat, err......annoying and flirty and kinda cute. But you're way more cuter!" I stuttered out and Adrien gave me a surprised look and when I realized what I said,my cheeks instantly heated up.

"Uhh, no! Not cuter! I mean not that you aren't cute! I mean- never mind." I stuttered once again, how can you be this awkward Marinette?! Why?!

"Do you like have a crush on him?"
"W-what?! No! What made you t-think that?"
"Well, you said he was cute."
"H-he's just a friend."
"I see."

Then after that long silence, my phone rang.

I immediately excused myself and ran back to the apartment since I have another batch of deliveries to do.

Adrien's POV

Marinette thinks I'm cute. Man why can't Ladybug say that about me!?

Wait, did Marinette say she knew Ladybug? Oh my ghad, maybe she can set up a date or me! Well Chat I mean, since a supermodel dating a superhero is pretty much not an everyday thing.

I decided to walk for a while and I came across a jewelry shop. It had lots of charms in display, there's even pairing ones.

Which reminds me, it's M'Lady's birthday soon. I should get her a present. Maybe a charm from the store? But she deserves much more.

I think she loves hair accessories...ooh that gives me a idea! I'm gonna a make her a personalized hair tie!

And of course I'm gonna get that charm too.

Another short and crappy chapter, sorry about that.
Anyway, as stated at the very top Under the Spotlight is published! Yay!

Ooh, and I also opened up and editing shop, so drop BT if you have time~

Also, thank you so much for 2.12k views! Thanks for all the support!

-MJ is out

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