Chapter 6

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Forget the Mask
Chapter 6

Adrien's POV

As soon as I heard the screams and felt the ground shake a bit, I immediately excused myself to transform into Chat Noir.

I went into an alley way and waited until Alya and Nino have passed to be sure its safe to transform. I'm still not sure though, it's still quite near Marinette's house.

"Plagg! Transform me!" I yelled out anyway and my normal everyday clothes turned to black leather and I grew another set of ears, which are cat ears and it's really not creepy for me. My face was covered in a black mask.

As soon as I finished my transformation the ground shook violently and I don't know why but the first thing that came to my mind was Marinette. I had to save my princess.

Thankfully, the alley I picked was just a few blocks away from Marinette's house. I jumped through the opened window.

The ground shook once again and a few large blocks fell down from Marinette's roof.

"Marinette! Watch out!" I yelled
Luckily, my bad luck was on brake for now and I managed to push Marinette out of the way before there boulders and debris hit her.

Both of us were unharmed, untouched.....well my tail did get stuck.

"C-Chat?! W-what are you doing here?" She asked out in surprise.

"Oh come on Princess, can't I at least have a simple thank mew?" I joked and she just pushed me away. Oh gawd I didn't notice I was still on top of her.

"Marinette! Are you ok dear?!" Just then her parents came bursting in the room once the shaking stopped which left me wide eyed and thankful that Marinette decided to push me away.

"Y-yes I'm fine Mama, Papa. C-Chat Noir arrived just on time." Marinette said as she stood up and cleaned herself. She gave a warm smile towards her parents but I know she was still shaken (no pun intended you know because of the earthquake thingy.....) about what happened.

"T-thank you Chat Noir! You save our daughter's life how can we ever repay you?" Her father, Tom I think, said and just walked towards the window and said:

"No need to do anything for me. Now if you'll excuse me Ladybug might be waiting for me already."

Marinette's POV

I watched as the annoying black cat left my room, but really though. I'm thankful that he was here.
I would have been under the large boulders if it wasn't for him.

"Marinette, dear are you okay?" My mom asked with a face evident of worry and concern.

"Yes Mama, I told you Chat was right on time." I said forcing a smile. Honestly I'm still in shock but I couldn't make mama and papa worried more than they are now.

"I know you need to rest, but we need to evacuate quickly. Or another earthquake might strike." My papa said and I just nodded since they clearly won't let me out of their sights for now. Oh gawd I hope Chat will be able to handle the akuma on his own.....wait, where's Tikki?!

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