Chapter 4

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(Q/N: Be prepared for the worst fight scene in history)
Forget the Mask
Chapter 4

3rd Person's POV

"Oh my gawd!! It's an akuma attack, come on Nino we might find more clues there!" Alya yelled in excitement as he dragged Nino with her leaving Adrien wide eyed at how she just left him alone after suggesting for them to go to Marinette's.

"Wh- never mind." Adrien said as he ran towards an abandoned building.

"Plagg, transform me!!"

"Marinette! Marinette!!" Tikki yelled towards a still sleeping Marinette.

"Marinette! Come on there's an Akuma attack! Wake up!!" Tikki once again yelled, this time right at Marinette's ears.

"An akuma?!" Marinette shot up from her bed and quickly fixed her hair.

"Yes and Chat is-"
"Tikki, Transform me!"

"Chat! Sorry I'm late." Ladybug yelled to a now trapped Chat Noir in some kind of gooey substance as she swung down to his eye level.

"Better late than never bugaboo." Chat Noir just like usual spoke wiggling his eyebrows as Ladybug just groaned.

"Quit it with the nicknames. What is this thing?" Ladybug asked as she poked it with her fingers.

"Is this.....dough? What kind of akuma is this?" Ladybug asked.

"I would be glad to answer that M' Lady, but for now..." Chat Noir said as he shot an annoying(-ly cute) grin towards Ladybug.

"Oh right, how do you cut this thing." Ladybug muttered to herself as she scanned the area to find anything useful to cut a sticky dough knowing that if she uses her yo-yo it'll just get....stuck.

"How about that knife?" Ladybug mumbled as she grabbed it and cut the dough that has trapped her partner.

"Thank Mew" Chat replied as he planted a kiss on the top of Ladybug's hand.

"Well, the akuma just ran towards the Eiffel Tower a while ago. Let's go M' Lady." He said and realized that Ladybug has already took of when he said Eiffel Tower.

Chat Noir just sighed and went after his beloved lady and soon caught up.

"So Chat, what kind of Akuma is this?" Ladybug asked as they jumped from roof to roof.

"A baker. Well, an apprentice." Chat Noir answered from the back.

"Figures, must have been scolded by his supervisor." Ladybug mumbled.

They finally reached the Eiffel Tower which is now covered in white puffy and powdery substance, and I few egg yolks and stuff....basically dough ingredients without any liquid.

"Any plans LB?" Chat Asked
"Well for starters, let's find his weakness." Ladybug suggested.
"Uhh, how about water?" Chat said as he dashed towards the nearby river
"Chat no. The surface will just get sticky. Wha- Chat!" Ladybug exclaimed but it was too late, and Chat's dislike for water just made him fasten up the pace.

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