Chapter 9

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Good afternoon guys. Here's a new chapter!! I hope you guys like it.

I groan as the alarm rings knowing I'll have to get ready for school. I get up rubbing my eyes and I am about to get up when..."Shoot!" I shout. I had to wake up early. I had to complete my math problems or I'm killing myself today. I can't believe this! I pace around my room furiously pulling at my nest of a hair. All because of him. Annoying Xavier West. After gaining my calm and recovering my sanity I head for a shower. I can't afford to be late too. I quickly shower, brush my teeth and get dressed. I decide on a white floral top with dark blue leggings and then pull an off-white scarf around my neck. I check my time table and realize I have math as the first class. Great. Just great! I quickly hop down and grab an apple to eat on my way. I check up on mom. I linger there for a moment and then start to leave. I see dad and uncle leaving too. I walk to them almost running, say a quick good bye and get into my car.

I'm at school in record time. I could have been on time only if my parking skills were good. There were two huge truck type-cars parked on either side of the place I was trying to park my car in. The parking lot was almost full since I was late and I had no time to find another convenient place. I dashed to my class and it was shattering to watch my math teacher- Mr.Waters enter the class just as I reached the corner of the hallway. Oh-oh. He is so not fond of late people. And un-surprisingly he went ballistic when I entered late. He was very angry and especially when you are bad at math, you are more prone to the anger and wrath of your teachers. Guess what happened when I said I hadn't completed my homework? Fireworks!

So here I am right now, sitting in the library with my head in my hands, completing my homework. I can't seem to understand this thing. Where did this x come from?? I groan and put my head down. Its lunch time already and I have to complete this before the day gets over and show it to Mr.Waters. Ugh. I hear voices chuckling and I look up immediately. My body goes into relaxation and I thank the stars for sending their angels to my rescue. Bella and Carly take seats beside me and I know I'm saved. Ironically enough they both are really good with math. I don't seem to understand how I'm best friends with these two but today I'm more than thankful about that.

"When you didn't turn up for lunch in the canteen, we knew you would be here, " Carly says smiling.

"Yeah but what we didn't expect was that you would be doing maths instead of burying yourself in a book" Bella adds.

"Oh well, long story short. I got late today for the math class and then I had not completed my homework yesternight due to... reasons. So here I am now, suffering the consequences." I say deliberately skipping the part about Xavier being my neighbor. I know if I say that now, Bella won't ever let me complete my math work.

"Okay Sam, luckily your two amazing best friends are here and you are saved!" Bella says flipping her hair back dramatically and I roll my eyes jokingly.

True to their words, and they quickly help me with the explanations and solving. And I get the work completed in the lunch time itself. We are about to bite into our sandwiches when the lunch time gets over. I realize now that because of me Bella and Carly are hungry too. My heart swells at the small gesture and I start to apologize but Carly cuts me off.

"Its okay Sam, I knew you would begin with the 'I'm sorry' crap but its fine...And just so you know we did have a smoothie before we came here."

"Yeah, babe. You know health is wealth. I don't take chances with my body." Bella adds dramatically. I laugh lightly and then we walk to our next class after packing my things.

I enter my Chemistry laboratory and sit down without a trace of worry. Chemistry is not my favorite but its at least better than maths. My partner Zack comes beside me and offers me a smile. I smile back and we begin the analysis we have been assigned by the teacher. Zack is not a nerd but he is a straight As student. He is a sweet looking guy with a really nice nature. He is good with almost all subjects except drawing and art. I guess he is the reason I understand chemistry so well because he really does explain every small thing and that makes things easier. I absentmindedly hover my test tube over the flame old it there. My hand is suddenly pulled away and my hold on the test tube looses and it falls in the sink breaking in to pieces. I look up to Zack who is holding my hand when the smoke starts rising and we both cough. We immediately wand our hands in the air trying to disperse the smoke as we don't want this to catch anyone's attention. I mutter an apology and stand there sheepishly.

"Its okay Sam, you just added the wrong acid to the solutions and holding it over the flame would have caused the test tube to burst. I called you but you were kind of in your own world." Zack explains softly.

"I'm so-sorry. I didn't know I added the wrong acid." I say feeling guilty.

"Its okay Samantha, no harm is done. Your super awesome lab partner saved you." He jokes clearly trying to make me feel better. Such a gentleman. I laugh and then we continue with our work.

I wipe my tears and then get up. I came here after coming home. To talk to her. To tell her about our new neighbors. But just like always, she isn't replying. My voice quivers and I say a soft good bye to mumma. I walk out to see uncle standing my the door, his eyes watery too. He doesn't say anything, just comes near me and hugs me tight. I instantly hug him back and feel better.

"Your so strong Sam, I'm so so so proud of you my kiddo. I'm so sorry I have to leave today and I can't stay here with you always. I wish I could shift here but my work doesn't allow that." He says kissing my hair.

"Its okay uncle. You visit us regularly and that itself is a lot. And I know you are always there for me. Distance doesn't really matter." I reply. I see his bag on his side. He smile at me, kisses my forehead and then proceeds to leave. I walk him to the door and sigh sadly when I see his taxi drive away. Alone time begins...

I'm learning my chemistry formulae when my bell rings. I hop down and open the door. I see an average heighted lady standing there with a soft nervous smile. She has brown hair, brown eyes and a tanned complexion. The woman is beautiful and she is wearing some home clothes. I'm about to ask her who she is when she says,

"Hello darling. I'm Della. Della West. You know we recently shifted here and I'm not done with unpacking. So would you mind lending me some sugar? I really need it to make the pancakes I'm making." She smiles warmly and I instantly like her. She is so unlike her always smirking son.

"Of course Mrs.West. Please come in. I'll be back in a minute." I holler her inside and she sits on the sofa. I return with a bowl full of sugar and hand it to her.

"Thanks so much. Your such a sweetheart. What's your name darling?" She asks.

"I'm Samantha Collins and it was a pleasure meeting you Mrs.West."

"Oh dear the pleasure was all mine. Are you in school?" She asks and I reply in affirmation.

"Yes, I'm graduating this year."

"Oh my, then you should come with me to my place right now. My son is in the final year too. You both can become friends." She says with a little... pride? Anyways, little does she know that I've already had encounters with her son. And they nowhere lead to a friendship.

"I would love to but I have a lot of home work to complete. I'll sure come by later Mrs.West." I decline politely. She smiles again and gets up to leave.

"Okay Samantha, you complete your work but do come some other time. I take your leave now and thanks once again for the sugar. See you, darling!" Saying this she walks to the door and I wave her a goodbye. Hah. Nice to know not all of the Wests are full of ego and smirks. His mother seems like a really nice lady. Had my mom been well, they would have been great friends. I hope that happens soon. My mom always wanted a lady neighbor to gossip and talk with. And now that we have one, she isn't up for it. I smile sadly and walk up to my room to continue my work.

I smile in content when I complete my revision and homework. I walk to the bed and doze off for a nice quick nap.

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