Chapter 44

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*This is an emotional chapter . Get those tissues out*

Three days. Its been three days since that incident on the street with Steve and his gang. Its a Friday today and the past three days were uneventful except that voice mail from dad

"Sam, I guess its bad news. Your mother's condition is the same and if anything happens, I don't want you to blame me for not letting you meet her. I won't ever be able to forgive myself if that happens. So as I promised, you can come here and meet her. I am sorry baby girl. I guess I failed with this whole idea of taking your mother to Texas. I am so sorry baby girl."

His voice was trembling in the entire voice mail and in the end he broke down. I could tell that from the way his voice croaked and he sniffled. That message shook me to the core and my knees weakened. I broke down completely, the same way I did when I first heard about mother's coma. Had it not been for Aunt Martha and Uncle Jason, I would have lost it totally.

"Hun- you shouldn't make imaginary scenarios before going there. I'll talk to your dad and we will arrange to bring Andrea back here." Uncle Jason had explained.

"Yes Sam. You mom is still alive and that is what you should be thankful for. Just stay strong like before. You know you have to. For your dad and for your mother. Right?" Aunt Martha consoled me as I cried in her arms. I nodded though I knew, if something happened to mom I wouldn't be able to stay strong anymore. I just wouldn't. And no matter how much I tried, I couldn't convince myself otherwise.

As the weekend arrived, I was ready to go to Dallas with my plane tickets booked. When Xavier came to know about it, he persuaded that he comes with me. It was a weekend trip so his parents had already agreed. And very humbly, he asked for permission from my dad and uncle, who both agreed- thanks to his amazing way of convincing them.

And I was thankful to him. I knew I would need someone to be with me the whole journey. Uncle and Aunt could not accompany me as they had to leave for their home. It was an important meeting that uncle could not miss and Aunt Martha had to take care of my cousin sister. So he managed when convinced everyone, I couldn't be anymore thankful. I hugged him when he kept the phone down after talking to my dad.

"Thank you so much Xav. Thank you so so much." I said sincerely as tears sprung in my eyes, yet again.

"Shhh. Don't cry baby please. Please just don't cry. Everything is going to be alright." He said and I just nodded.

So here I am right now clad in warm clothes, outside the Dallas airport. We took an early morning's flight today and its 11 am. Xavier squeezes my hand reassuringly as we hail a cab for the Parkland Hospital. My hands sweat and I am a bundle of nerves as the taxi hustles through the busy streets of Dallas. We stop at the gates of a huge off-white building which stands high and tall in the not-so-warm sun. I have to agree, the hospital's exterior poses attractive and promising. Yet for some reason, it had the opposite effect on my mother. I call dad and he tells me which room to come to. As I hurry to the private room, my mother is in, I feel scared in anticipation. I approach the room and see dad already waiting outside for me. He hugs me as I reach him and I hug him back. 

We pull apart and dad smiles at Xavier who nods back. I look at his face and see him more tired than I have ever seen. I have never really seen my dad crying and that is why his voice mail scared me so much. When mom first went into coma, dad went into depression but he never cried, at least not in front of me. He caresses my hair and tears threaten to flow again but I stop myself. 

"Its gonna be alright dad." I say with a forced smile.

"No Sam. She is so tired. I don't think she can take it anymore." He says slowly, his voice filled with sadness and pain.

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