Chapter 46

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"Della calm down. Honey we will get Noah back." Mr. West says soothingly, trying to pacify the mewling Della.

We are all gathered at Xavier's place, including my dad and two police officers who were called immediately after we came to know that Noah was kidnapped.

"So Mr. West, has there been any call for ransom?" A police officer, taut and muscular who would probably be in forties asks. I read their badges and find his name is Mark while the other one is Josh.

"No officer. And I don't think money is what they are after." Mr. West says, throwing a concerned glance in Xavier's direction.

"Well.. does that mean you know who these people are?" Officer Josh offers and Mr. West nods again. He explains everything to the officers in detail including about Xavier's past and my dad is one of the three shocked people in the room.

"So what do you think they are after Mr. West?" Officer Mark asks and Della replies with a sigh.

"We don't know officer. We really don't know."

"Okay. Kid call them if you have their number." Officer Mark suggests and Xavier shakes his head, frustrated. "I already tried calling both the numbers that I have of them. Both the ends cut my call after three rings." He says and the officers just nod.

"In that case Mr. West, all we can do is wait for a threat or call. Xavier if they call you, engage them long enough so we can track their position, understood?" Officer Josh instructs Xavier as he and officer Mark start setting up tracking and GPS devices.

"Sam you never told me all this?" Dad comes up quitely behind me.

"I know dad. But I discovered it recently too and you were in Texas then." I explain. I don't want his perception about Xavier to change. I want him to realize that it is Xavier's past that is bad and not the present. He stands quitely beside me as a thick tension prevails in the room. We all wait and wait for another call from the gang which raises the uneasy feeling with every rising second.

I look at Xavier to find him standing there angry and frustrated. But when I look at his face, I realize that he is angry with himself. He is blaming himself for everything that has happened and how he is so helpless in saving his own brother. I walk softly to him, feeling dad's eyes on me. I entwine my hand in his and whisper.

"Xav its not you fault. We will save Noah."

He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath and then nods assuringly looking down at me. I look at dad to see his expression change from surprise to realization. He stares at me and I try to explain him that what I feel for Xavier is real with my eyes. He just looks away but at least I know its not in denial. Suddenly, Xavier's phone rings and everyone jumps in surprise. He waits till the police officers switch on their tracking devices and then picks up immediately.

"He-hello?" He speaks and his face contorts in stress and fear as he hears whatever the other person is speaking.

"Yes. I understand." He says grimly and the after a few seconds, hangs up the phone. And every one looks up at him expectantly.

"It was Steve. He said that I should meet them and Zach alone. The address is an old, vacant mill near the outskirts of the city. I need to reach there in 1 hour and I have to go there alone. They didn't mentioned any purpose, just said that if I want Noah safe then I should be there on time."

"Maybe its a set up, maybe those people don't even have Noah there." Officer Josh ponders but Xavier shakes his head immediately.

"I heard Noah in the back ground." He says and once again, his features twist into guilt and regret.

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