Chapter 50

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Pain. That's all I feel. In my sides, my head and more intense in my chest. That's all I can comprehend. I hear something beep beside me and I'm on a comfortable bed. I hear sounds around me but I can't open my eyes. No matter how hard I try, I feel too tired. But I can hear sounds, not clearly but they are audible.

"Baby girl you told me you will come back. Don't break your promise now. Please." The voice breaks down at the end and I hear sniffles. I recognize the voice as dad's. I want to wake up and tell him that I'm here but I can't. Its just too hard. Mom must be feeling the same. I think of all the times, I used to talk with mom while she lay with her eyes closed. Its so easy to understand her struggle now. My thoughts make me even more tired and I let the black take over.

The next time I wake up, I hear two voices.

"Bitch you better wake up okay. You need to help me with the group assignments in history." I hear a girl sniffling.

"Bella that's okay. You should try to be a little more.. you know inviting." Another voice speaks which is equally sad. I don't know why is everyone is sad. And these two are my best friends. Shouldn't they be happy that I'm alive?

"I can't be more inviting than this. She has been out from days. Its getting to my head now!" Bella says in a dramatic tone but I know its true this time. And also..wait? Did she say days? I'm sure I have been sleeping for a few hours. So then what is she talking about? My head starts hurting again and I feel my chest pain too. I sigh as I feel sleepy again.

"Wake up baby. Wake up." Even in this state, I instantly recognize his voice. Xavier is crying. He has my hand in his and I ache to to hold his hand and hug him and tell him how much scared I had felt when that guy had pointed the revolver at him. But again my body disobeys me and I fall into the clutches in sleep again.

The next time I wake up, its to someone slightly caressing my head. Its a soft hand. But the hand is shivering. I frown as I don't understand why the hand is shivering. I try to move my fingers and my fingers finally move. I try harder and my fingers touch the hand caressing me. My heart swells strangely as if I was missing this touch since ages. Suddenly that person with that weirdly pleasant touch starts making sounds that are not comprehensible. Two three people rush in and everything around me starts beeping. Some injections are injected and I feel more rational. I try to move my fingers again and again my body obeys.

"Oh my God yes!" I hear a male voice this time. Its dad.

" you are back!" I hear another voice which I know is Xavier's.

"You did it Andrea. You brought her back love." Dad exclaims in glee and I struggle to hear everything clearly.

Wait..did he say Andrea?

Andrea is my mom.

Is mom here? Oh my God!

Wake up body please. Please. I need to see her. I clinch my eyes and push myself and finally I muster the strength. My eyes open and I see blurred faces. The first face I recognize is my mother's! She is right here. Alive. Smiling that tight smile. Sitting in a wheelchair. I cry as I force myself to smile back at her. She raises her hand with efforts. Her hand shivers as she runs it through my hair.

"Mom!" I cry in happiness and drowsiness takes over again. 

It was only a dream. All effects of these medicines and injections I guess.

The next time I wake up, the pain has receded by a ton though its still there. I feel better than I have felt since quite some time. And then the dream. About mom being back, it was so real I almost felt like mom was really there. 

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