Chapter 49

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As we are dragged outside on gunpoint, I look around and see that excluding me and Xavier these are twelve people. I look at Xavier for some sort of eye contact, something that can assure me that we will take these people down. But he can't look back at me. Zach himself is dragging him with a gun right on the back of his neck while Steve has one on the side of my forehead. 

"Don't try to act smart or I will not hesitate to shoot you." Zach hisses and we follow him to the main entrance of the mill. Its evening now and its getting pretty dark. Hope rises by a millimeter as I spot a team of five to six armed police officers. Zach stops us at a safe distance.

"Officers you let us go out safely or we will kill these two!" Zach says in a warning tone and the police officers seem hesitant to react. The officers start backing up when of them at the back starts pressing his trigger.

"No no no officer, don't try anything." Zach exclaims. That is when I suddenly spot Josh nodding at Xavier and I wonder why he did so. Officer Josh then looks at me as if trying to tell me something. I stare back in hopes of understanding something but just then, two officers charge at two guys on our side. Zach and Steve both look in that direction and almost as if waiting for that, Xavier takes advantage, stabbing Zach backwards with his arms. I immediately understand their plan and turn slightly and punch Steve in his jaw. He stumbles as I see a pell-mell fusion of the two opponent teams. Some police officers are beating the other guy while Josh and Mark tackle Zach and Steve. Another guy charges at me, and I duck town to save myself from his punch. He kicks me on the side of my stomach and I trot a few steps back. I punch him the nose with full force and the guy releases a cry of agony. I smirk mentally. Nose is one of the weakest points when it comes to defense.

Xavier is crowded by two other guys and I run to him, throwing one guy off him. He stumbles back and then immediately turns around, punching me. Suddenly there is a gun-shot and I snap my head to see the guy I punched in the throat earlier sprawled on the ground, a bullet wound on his knee. Steve appears suddenly beside me and punches me on my jaw. I see officer Josh lying on the floor, his head bleeding. I loose my balance and fall on the ground. Steve throws a hard kick on my stomach and I cry in pain.

"Samantha." I hear Xavier call out frantically but he too is tackling two guys. Steve immediately bends and removes another gun from a pocket below his knee. He points the gun at me and I try to get up, to fight back. My stomach hurts and my palms ache as I struggle to stand. I can hear Xavier screeching in the background trying to free himself to save me. I hear two gun shots in the back ground and wince at the thought of people dying. When my body disobeys me, I loose hope and close my eyes waiting for the bullet.

Steve kicks me again and is about to pull off the trigger when someone kicks his hand, throwing his gun to the side. That person then kicks Steve and punches him on the side of his neck which sends him on the ground. I release a breath of sigh and look up, surprised to find Chase standing. He scoops down immediately and helps me stand up while I just stare at him confused.

"What new game is this?" I ask him and his expression turns into what I would call as hurt.

"Its not a game, I am trying to make up for everything I did wrong." He says as I stand on my feet faltering a bit. I snort and dash as a guy  throws a punch at me. I hit him back with all the strength I can and Chase starts beating Steve. Steve hits him back and Chase falls to the ground. He looms over him and grabs his throat. Chase coughs and my breath accelerates as I don't know what to believe.

I run over to him and land my arm downwards on the back of Steve's neck with force. I hear something and  Steve falls to the side swearing and cursing loudly. Officer Mark lunges at Steve and knocks him unconscious. I look around to see a very few of us are left. Most of the gang people are down but also only officer Mark and one more is on his feet. I rush to Xavier who is tackling a guy on the ground and I help him beat the guy. Xavier looks terrible. His face has cuts all over and his eyes, forehead and nose bleed. He looks tired and I'm sure my condition is no different.

"Are you okay?" He asks and I nod. I look around to see the condition getting in control. Chase stands there at some distance heaving, staring down at the unconscious form of Steve. I hug Xavier relieved and he hugs me back.

"You did it." I say, looking up at him with a smile.

"We did it baby." He says and stares down at me with so much love, I don't mind any of this. I realize that the only thing I was scared was loosing him. But right now, right here in his arms, I feel safe and there is nothing more that I want. My infinity lies here, right here in his arms. 

"Xavier move!" I hear someone scream and everything goes so fast I literally take a minute to comprehend it. Chase pushed me and Xavier back as a guy was about to us with a metal rod. Oh my God! We both stumble back and the metal rod hits Chase on his shoulder. He cries in pain and is about to fall. Chase saved Xavier!

"Chase!" I gasp and run forward to hold him as his body looses balance. Xavier runs to hit the guy and tackles him on the ground. He manages to take the metal rod out of his hand and hits him with the same. I crouch with Chase on the floor and his wounds bleed badly. I run a hand slightly on his shoulder and look at him concerned.

"Are you okay?" I ask worried and he stares at me.

"Chase? Chase talk to me! Are you alright?!" I ask, desperation lacing my voice. He again just at stares me. After a few seconds, he smiles a lazy, weak smile and nods as his eyes droop close. My heart stops as I fear what happened to him. I check his pulse and breath in relief as I realize he is just unconscious. I lay him down to the floor and get up to find someone to help him.

That is when my eyes fall on a figure slowly rising on the opposite side. The figure points his gun at Xavier who has his back at the person. Zach. It is Zach. Oh my God. I don't think of anything and run. Run to where Xavier is standing. I push him slightly as I hear a gun shot. 

The next events happen in a blur. I hear a gunshot. And I feel immense pain in my chest. Twice. I groan loudly and tears clutter as I fall to the ground. But before I can rash to the ground, I feel two arms catch me.

"Samantha! Sam no no no!!" I hear Xavier say frantically. I want to talk but the pain is too much. I hear some chaos in the background but I can't concentrate on anything except the pain.

"Sam baby please. Don't close your eyes!" Xavier says, now crying. That is when I realize that my eyes are falling close. Xavier shakes me and takes my hand in his.

"Officer Mark!!! Somebody help!! Call the ambulance!!!" He screams so loudly, I wince in pain.

"Samantha look at me. Please! I can't loose you baby please I am so sorry. Please don't go!" He says and I'm already giving up.

"Its too painful Xav. I won't... be able to make it." I barely manage to say my eyes clinching in agony. My breathing accelerates as waves after waves of pain shoot in my chest. 

"Samantha no please! Fight it. You are strong. Don't give in baby please!!" Xavier whispers in between his crying. He engulfs me tighter in his embrace and I relish his warmth for the last time.

"I-I love you Xav..ier." I gasp trying to smile as I feel more number with each rising minute.

"I love you too, don't go please." He breaks down in to tears, his voice barely a gasp now. With great efforts, I raise my hand to his cheeks and smile as much my brain and body allow me to.

"Baby no!" It is the last thing I hear before I succumb to the pain and unconsciousness.

Is it time for 'Goodbye Samantha'? :-(

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