Chapter 48

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I put my hands down as I stare back blank.

"Samantha? What the hell are you doing here?" He asks me with an edge in his voice.

"I can ask you the same question, these people are dangerous. You shouldn't be here." I say frantically but his expression doesn't falter. He looks away as if in loss of words and my eyes my eyes widen in realization.

"Oh my God," I gasp softly as I stare at him with disgust. "You are with them, aren't you? You are one of them." I accuse and he doesn't reply.

"It was you. You who gave them all details about Xavier, isn't it? Who told them everything about him?" I question flabbergasted and Chase casts his eyes low, which is the answer to my questions.

Its because of this freaking Chase Backstabbing Anderson that we are in this situation. Its because of this guy that Xavier might get hurt today. Noah had to suffer because Chase couldn't get over his old ways.

"Why? Why? why huh? Why did you do this Chase?" I ask him, beating my hands on his chest and grabbing his collar angrily.

"Come on douche answer me!" I push and he jerks my hands off him.

"Because I hate him Sam. And I hate to see you with him. Because I love you!!" He whisper yells and I shake my head mock laughing.

"No Chase. You don't love me. You don't hurt the people you love. Not this many times." I say, disgust lacing my voice.

"Why Sam? Why can't you accept it that I love you? From day one I have been trying to convince you but you won't budge. And its all because that Xavier. He came and messed up your head and I was left alone. So I had to get rid of him.  WHY THE HELL DO YOU NOT SEE HOW CRAZY I AM ABOUT YOU!?"

"Because... you keep proving over and over again that you are a cheater and you can't love someone more that yourself. You don't love me, you love your ego and you love your selfish self Chase. Love is when you can be ready to hurt yourself just to see your love happy. But you- its just your obsession about me. Because I dumped you, you want me back. So that you gloat in your own ego and praise your own cheating self by labeling everything under the pretext of word 'love'. Love doesn't cheat Chase. If you loved me, you would have made sure I was happy." I say shaking my head at him with distaste. He fumbles for words and I snort.

"I can keep you happy too." He says in a small voice.

"No Chase. You have a different definition of happy and love. I want Xavier and if something happens to him today, trust me I will repulse at the mention of your name. I love him Chase and its real unlike your obsession. And no matter you can't change that fact." I say in a firm and no-nonsense voice.

"I-" Chase begins but another voice cuts him from behind.

"Chase! Where the hell is the kid man!!" A voice booms and I instantly recognize the accent and the voice. Its Steve. Chase turns around and that is when Steve spots me. My hart lurches in fear as I know I'm stuck. 

"You freed the kid, didn't you?" He shouts and then looks around.

"Where is William?" He shouts angrily as he walk towards me and Chase. His eyes fall on the unconscious form of the guy on the right passage and his eyes darken dangerously.

"You messed up the plan woman!" He growls and charges at me. I try to run but Chase holds me back and I look at him with shock and disgust.

I never thought he would stoop so low! He has handled me to a gang of monsters and he says he loves me? My foot!

Steve comes to me and twists my arms around my back and I groan in pain. The pain of the cuts on my palm resurfaces and I close my eye in torment as tears threaten to flow. I kick Chase as Steve tries to control my thrashing and Chase stumbles back. I then jab Steve with my left arm and he just takes a step back. He twists my right hand even further painfully and now grabs my left hand too. I throw my legs around trying to escape but the guy is too strong. He drags us to a room where the first thing I see is Xavier's figure sprawled on the floor, his nose bleeding.

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