Chapter 18

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Like OMG!! You guys are amazing and also the reason I'm on the seventh sky today. IBH hit 1K views today and I'm dancing in my house like a maniac (But hey... thats normal). It's all because of you super awesome readers. So I wanna thank each one of you who gave this a book a chance. You literally made my day. Thanks a ton:-) Now on to chapter.( A long one again).

            Next day when I wake up, my mind drifts back to the conversation I had with Xavier last night. He looked so serious while he was interrogating me about Chase. It's not that its a secret, but I'm better off without telling people what Chase did and then get looks of sympathy. Honestly, the part after I broke with Chase was more difficult than the actual break up. The more the people knew, the more they gave me those 'sorry' and sympathetic looks. And I hated that. It was Bella and Carly who brought me up from the drama and supported my mental distress with the on-going mom situation.

        I get dressed quickly, wearing a gray simple t-shirt and black jeans. I wear my converse and tying my hair up in a pony, I eat an apple for breakfast. I honestly don't feel like eating anything so an apple looks best for giving me the energy till break in school. I get out of my front door and get into my car. I put the key into the ignition and twist it. The car makes a rumbling sound but doesn't start. I try again and then again but there is something wrong and I'm almost totally unaware of the car issues. I get out of my car and realize I would be late for school if I don't get a cab soon. I leave my driveway and go on to the streets, searching for a cab.

It has been 10 minutes and there are no empty cabs. I sigh in frustration when I realize I have math as the first class and groan at how bad my luck actually is.

"Keep smiling Sam. You don't know who might fall in love with it." A voice speaks and I direct my gaze to my neighbor sitting there in his car with a joking expression. This guy can save me. But of course, I won't ask for help. That would make him smug which I can't afford.

"Good morning to you too Xavier." I say dryly and he smirks.

"Won't you say 'Please take me to school Xavier or I'll be in real trouble' Sammy?" Xavier asks in a smirky tone. This guy!

"No. I would rather be late than ask you for help." I smile sweetly and gaze around for a cab.

"Hah. And here I thought I had ego problems." He says in nudging way and I look at him irritated.

"Would you please move away so I can hail a cab please?" I snap and he shrugs.

"Okay as you say, Sammy. See you in math... that is if you make it on time. Because I surely remember the warning Mr.Waters gave you last time." He says and drives away.

I look at the street and there is no cab in my line or vision. I check my watch and swear. Just 13 minutes to school. Oh no. I quickly remove my cell and call Xavier. The thing I thought I would never do. He picks up on the second ring and before I speak he cuts me off.

"I'm on the corner of the street Sam. Hurry up or you'll make me late too." He says in the smuggest tone a human could possibly speak. I consider refusing him and be late for school but no. That's not affordable in my case. At least not for the math class  I adore and love so much. Yeah, note the sarcasm please. I walk with quick steps and soon enough spot the gray Chevrolet standing there. I get in the passenger seat and buckle my seat belt. I purposely avoid looking at Xavier because I know what I will see. I then realize he won't start the car until his ego is fed and turn to look at him sharply.

"What? You want me to say thanks. Well, thank you so much for the ride. What would I do without you! Happy?" I say my teeth clenched and he smiles a smug smile and then starts the car. He drives at a high speed but that's reasonable because otherwise we will both be late so I don't complain.

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