Chapter 10

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A new chapter. I hope you guys like it! Enjoy:) Don't forget to vote and comment. Means a lot. Thanks😊

Its about 7.00 in the evening and I'm in my pajamas and t-shirt watching Vampire Diaries on Netflix with some crisps I had left. I sigh dreamily as I see Ian Somerhalder flexing his muscles and marvel at how amazing the guy looks.

I pop another crisp into my mouth when the bell rings. Dads home? I roll my eyes at my stupidity. Dad has a key, so why would he knock? I wipe the crumbs on my hand on my t-shirt and then proceed to the door. I open my door and it's weird when I find no one in front of me. My brows furrow in confusion but then my eyes move down. I see an immensely adorable boy standing here, smiling a little bit. My lips immediately turn into a big smile and I bent a little to talk to the boy.

"Hey. Who are you?" I ask him softly.

"Dood evening. I am Noah West and I live thele and I am jour new neigbol." He says pointing to the house beside my house. He is Xavier's brother? Woah. He is so polite even though he can't even speak properly. I grin and extend my hand slowly to take him inside not wanting to scare him off.

"Oh hi Noah. Its so good to meet you. How can I help you?" I ask him when he follows me inside without any reluctance. I notice him better now with the lights on inside. He has brownish hair just a shade lighter than his mother and his eyes are grey just like Xavier's. He has a small cute face with an even cuter button nose. He is short and so adorable. His eyes are so big, they look like they are sparkling. He is wearing a yellow spongebob t-shirt and cream colored shorts.

"I'm here with bubba Xaviel. Mommy sent us to give you the pantakes she made. She said you dave hel sugal today." He replies smiling at me. His eyes wander around the house with curiosity. And he is so drawn to the painting of... wait...He said Xavier is here with him too? My head snaps to the sound of footsteps that approach us now. Xavier appears with a smirk on his face and he has a small box in his hands.

"Hello Miss Collins. I am Xavier West, your new neighbor. My mother told me you are graduating this year too. Its so nice to meet you." He says in the most polite tone I've eve heard him talk in and I scoff. I would have actually believed he was talking to me for the first time had it not been for the stupid smirk on his face. But I decide to play along.

"Hi Mr.West. Its nice to meet you too." I mutter under my breath.

Noah runs to Xavier, takes the box from his hands and gives it to me.

"Hele you go. Mommy made them." He says enthusiastically and I take the box from him ruffling his hair. I'll say my thanks to Mrs.West when I'll return the box. Taught to be polite to guests, I say

"Please take a seat guys. I'll be back."  Xavier raises his eyebrows at my politeness towards him but moves to the sofa helping Noah to sit too.

I go to the kitchen and keep the box there. I return with two glasses of orange juice and set them on the table. I see Xavier looking around the house in curiosity and Noah trying to reach the glass of juice. I chuckle at his attempts and when I see him almost falling down I quickly make him sit back on the sofa and then hand the glass to him.

"Thant you." He says and I smile. I am reminded of the toys in my room. I walk up to my room and pick out a blue mini car I had when I was small. I return with that and give it to Noah to play. Fortunately he likes it and starts making 'Booommmm' sounds while driving the car on the table. I watch him play and Xavier returns from the hallway where he went to I guess attend a phone call.

"Tan I tall you Sammy?" Noah suddenly asks shyly and I laugh again.

"Of course you can Noah. You don't need to ask." I say and his eyes light up again. Boy! He is totally adorable.

"Why you don't play fair Miss.Collins. He gets to call you Sammy huh?" Xavier says raising his eyebrows.

"Yup, that's because I like him and its not the same for you." I say in retaliation and Noah blinks in surprise.

"Bubba, do know Sammy alleady?" He asks and I look up to Xavier waiting for his reply.

"Oh yeah.She is in my math class Noi."

"Yeah unfortunately." I mutter in a low voice but I think Xavier catches it and smirks at me in return. I crouch down and I'm about to pick up Noah when Xavier asks

"Do you live alone here or something?" His eyes wandering all around my house.

"Uh-no, my dad is at work and my mom... um she is not well so she is resting in her room." 

I didn't intend to stutter but his question caught me off guard. It was the first genuine question from him. Without any teasing or smirking. He raises his eyebrows as if he finds my answer incomplete. I just shrug and pick Noah up. I smile in content when he doesn't resist and wraps his legs around my waist. I ruffle his hair and play with him for a while. I feel eyes on us and turn to see Xavier looking at us. He quickly turns away and removes his phone and starts typing something.

"Noi lets leave. Mom would be waiting for us." Xavier says after a while.

"Bubba can we stay hele a little mole time please?" Noah says engrossed playing with my small car I had given him before some time.

"No Noah. Dad will be home soon and it'll be dinner time. You can come back here tomorrow okay?" Xavier says extending his hand for Noah to take.

"Yes Noah. You should go now. Its late. I'll come pick you up after school tomorrow. Also you can take the car if you want." I say giving him the car. He eagerly grabs it and says a cute thanks to me. I smile at his cuteness as they leave. Xavier turns suddenly and walk towards me a little.

"Bye Samantha. Good night." He says smiling at first but then his smirk returns. I actually smile a little at him. He looks surprised as if he was expecting me to roll my eyes at him. Huh. Noah can make anyone's mood better with his cuteness.

"Good night Xavier. Good night Noah." I say and Xavier nods slightly. I then go back to watching the ever so handsome Damon Salvatore.

Just moments after they leave, dad unlocks the door and enters. I enter the hall and sit with dad on the sofa where he is settling his things.

"I saw two boys leaving the house Sam. Were they our new neighburs?" Dad asks and I nod in affirmation.

"Yeah dad. They are the Wests. Mrs.West came earlier today to take some sugar for the pancakes she was making. And then she sent some of them for us too."

"That's nice of her. So how do you like them? Do they seem nice?" 

"Oh yes. They seem good people. Specially the small boy Noah. He is so adorable and his mother is also a very sweet lady. She-um reminds me of mom." I say softly, not knowing if this is a good idea. Dad just smiles sadly at me. Great Sam. You just made him upset. I am about to say something to apologize when dad speaks again,

"What about the big guy? Did you become friends with him? He seems your age."

"Yeah... he is pretty good too. You know we didn't have much of a conversation."

"Okay baby girl. Dinner in 15?" Dad says smiling at me and leaving for his room.

I quickly return to the kitchen and start heating up the dinner we have. I also heat the pancakes and they smell delicious.Thanks Mrs.West.

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