Chapter 19

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               I am literally going mad with the prospect of preparing for the math test this Friday! From the past two hours, I'm groaning, sitting at my desk. I came from the hospital, had dinner and then sat to prepare. Hah. But who am I kidding? I gotta learn first how these sums are done before preparing. I mean why the hell would I want to prove things I don't even understand! I glance up when the cool night breeze hits my hair and feel a bit calmer. I see Xavier reading a sports magazine on his bed and I can't help but imagine how good he looks even in the simplest of gestures. I wish I could be as tension free as him. But with this huge math test on my head, the next couple days are gonna be a headache.

            I sit for another half hour but then finally get up groaning. To deal with this shit (sorry math lovers), I'm gonna need some coffee. I go downstairs and find dad in the living room, working on his laptop. Since he cuts office hours short, he works till late night to complete his assigned work. He looks at me when I start going to the kitchen.

"Why are you still up baby girl?" He asks.

"I have a math test this Friday. So studying for that." I say sadly and he laughs.

"Of course. You and math are best friends after all." He says sarcastically.

"Yeah, dad. Right." I say dryly in return.

"Need any help?" And this time it's me who laughs.

"Nah dad. We both know your math is even worst than mine. Are you offering to help me fail even more badly than I'm already going to?" I conclude and dad looks away, grinning sheepishly.

    This kind of light moments cheer me up and I'm in better spirits now to continue doing my work. I quickly make myself some coffee and go upstairs to my room. I find a piece of crumpled white paper in my room. I already can guess who it is and down to pick it up. I open the note.

The genius Samantha is struggling huh?

         Damn you, Xavier! I look up to his window and as expected, he is standing there smirking at me. I roll my eyes in irritation and get back to the desk, settling my cup near the wall. Another piece of paper comes in flying and I don't bother to look what's written in it this time. Why did I start calling him Xavier again? He is the same jerk I thought of him as. Well not always but thats, not the point.

        Another hour has passed by and I have been able to only crack two exercises but even then I'm barely managing to do the difficult sums. Also, there are 6 more pieces of paper lying on my bedroom's floor and I finally decide to retire to bed. My head is bursting with pain but that always happens when I do maths. There is a knock on my window and I stomp towards the jerk. There he is sitting and knocking on my window with a stick kind of thing.

"What is it now Xavier?" I asked yawning.

"You wouldn't be asking me that if you read the notes I threw in your room." He states as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Well, now I didn't open them so just tell me what you have to say so I can go sleep. I'm really tired."

"It's about tomorrow. In the evening at 6.00, meet me near my car. We will be going somewhere." He kind of orders and I raise my eyebrows.

"Xavier, what are you talking about? Where do you want to go and why would I even come with you?" I ask amused. He stated this as if we were best friends.

"Because you owe me. Remember today morning? I said you would have to repay me. And tomorrow is when I need your help. Don't back off now Sam." He says.

"Listen I know I said that but I can't help you tomorrow. I have to study for the test on Friday and as you must have guessed, I suck at maths." I say

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