Chapter 31

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             I don't feel like going home, so I go to my favorite park. I sit there for a while, take walks around but the thought of mom always stays on my mind. I see a beautiful orange flower and remove my phone to take its picture. That is when I realize that my battery is dead. After lingering around for a while, I decide to return when it starts turning dark.

After I park my car and walk to the front porch, I see a dark figure pacing around. I squint my eyes to see clearly and realize its a thumping Bella walking around.

"Bells." I call out and she turns abruptly.

"Oh so you finally decided to return home?" She scolds me while Carly appears from behind.

"Where were you Sam, we have been waiting since afternoon." Carly questions and I tell them about going to the park after mom's departure.

"I am sorry. I wasn't expecting you guys." I say and Bella plants her hands on her waist. 

"Yeah of course you weren't. That is what is called surprise. And on top of that, even your phone is switched off. You know how tired I got, walking around for my idiot best friend." Bella brags like always and I smile.

"You could have sat on the porch steps." I point out and even though its dark, I can see her glaring at me. 

"Okay okay my bad Bells." I say in a fake apologizing and she huffs.

"So can I enter my house please? Because I am really tired." I say and start moving towards my door.

"You guys coming in or its too late?" I ask as I enter my house and on the porch lights.

"We are here for the night. Tomorrow evening is the ball remember? So we decided that we three will get ready together from here itself." Carly says, clasping her hands in excitement.

"Really! Wow guys. Thanks so much." I say and they both smile. They walk near the side of the house where lay their wrapped gowns. Bella has another shoulder bag on, which is no doubt make up and hair equipments.  

We laze around in the living room for a while, watching television. I see both my best girls trying to make me feel better and it works. Its a good thing they are here for this first night. Maybe things will get more normal as days pass. At around 8.00 we decide to order pizzas and Bella picks out movies to watch, while I call the pizza station. Just as I keep the phone down, it rings again. Dad calling!

"Hey dad. All good?" I ask and dad chuckles.

"Yes baby girl. Everything's is fine and so is your mom. I called earlier but your phone was switched off and then busy."

"Oh yeah, I forgot to charge it this morning so the phone went dead. And then I was ordering pizza as Bella and Carly are here."

"Oh I am glad they are here for the night. And baby girl, I forgot to tell you that the money is in my room, the second drawer beside the bed. Use that and save your pocket money for you personal expense. If you need more, one of my credit card is there too. Okay?" He explains and I nod, but then realize he can't see me.

"Yah dad, I understand. Thanks." I say and dad hangs up after a small talk.

Bella plays her all time favorite movie 'A cinderella story' which is mainly because of Chad Michael Murray. But I and Carly don't complain as he is one hell of a handsome actor. Halfway through the movie my phone rings and I see its Zack.

"Hey." I say as Bella pauses the movie.

"Hey um Samantha, I actually have some important work of dad's tomorrow. So I will be late to the ball. I don't think you should wait for me and ruin your fun." He says in a clipped tone and I frown.

"Oh okay then. I'll go by myself." I say.

"I am sorry. I hope  someone will ask you." He says with a sigh.

"Yeah. Bye Zack. Good night." I say and put down the phone after he says the same. Bella raises her eyebrows in question and mutters angrily after I tell her I'm gonna go alone.

"Chill Bella. I'm just going to arrive alone. I do have friends in the party right." I explain and she huffs.

"I'll come with you. Alec can go to hell." She says and I know she means it.

"Don't you dare do that." I warn her and we debate for while while I win in the end.

After two pizzas and one movie, my door bell rings. I go to open the door and I'm surprised to see Xavier. He invites himself in and stops as he sees Bella and Carly on the sofa.

"Oh hello ladies. I didn't know Samantha had company." He says smiling charmingly at my best friends. They both turn around on the sofa and Bella is the first one to speak.

"Well Xavier, we didn't know either that Samantha had other plans for the night." She says in a teasing voice and I glare at her from behind Xavier. Xavier catches our exchange and chuckles. He stays for a while, talking and chatting with us and then takes his leave. As he is about to leave, Bella stops him.

"Xavier with whom are you going to the ball tomorrow?" She calls out and Xavier turns. I know what she is up to!

"Well Bella. I did ask a girl but she refused. So I'm just going by myself." He fakes a sad expression, his words pointing me and Bella claps her hands.

"Fantastic! I mean Sam is alone too. You guys can go together." She says with surety and Xavier looks at me.

"You were gonna with that Zack dude right?"

"Yeah I was, but he is going to be late tomorrow as he has some urgent work so its just me now." I say and he cocks his eyebrow.

"So will you now let me escort you Samantha Collins?" He questions in a gentle man kinda tone and Bella,Carly look at me with a 'don't-you-dare-tell-him-no' expression.

"I would love to." I say looking at them and then at Xavier. He smiles smugly and then leaves while I walk him to the door.

"Are you okay?" He asks suddenly turning at the door.

"Yeah I am good." I answer honestly and he nods after confirming by staring intensely into my eyes.

"Well then I will see you tomorrow Miss Collins." He says mirroring his polite tone from earlier.

"Yes Mr. West, you will." I answer in a lady like manner and close the door as we both laugh.

Short chapter but it had to stop here. Please vote, comment and share if you liked it.

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