chapter 7

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They arrived in Starling city at 7:30, and stopped at a corner. All the lights were dimed and the people were disappearing in their houses, to be with their family's or to spend the evening alone. The only people left on the street were walking in shorts and glitter tops or fancy dresses. They all walked into the direction of the heart of Central city with the clubs and restaurants. Only one group turned from the rest walked to a less 'healthy' neighborhood. They turned around a corner and felicity couldn't see them anymore. Her eyes fell on a window in the stone house at the corner. Bright light came from it, but she could still look inside. She saw a woman, long and skinny, with blonde hair just falling over her face. She looked at a cradle, just below her, and smiled. Felicity got a warm feeling inside and smiled too. She looked at the woman for a while, until the car started to drive again. Felicity snapped out her trance and looked forward again. She grabbed her bag and pulled out a little looking glass to look at her hair and make-up.  She'd been sleeping the whole ride so her hair was fuzzed. She was surprised her make-up hadn't smeared. She closed the looking glass and put it back in the bag. Then she saw two blue eyes staring at her through the looking glass in the car. When he noticed she looked back at him he looked down. Oliver had been studying her the whole ride. How she snuggled to sleep at the backseat, how she woke up and rubbed her eyes and how she looked at the woman behind the glass. It gave Oliver a smile when he thought of it. He loved watching her, when she smiled, it made him think of happier times. He looked outside the window, and he saw his mansion already coming up at the skyline. It looked very peaceful at night, until you saw the lights coming from the house and as they drove closer you heard the music getting louder. When they entered the drive way, the music almost hurt his ears. He opened the door and looked at his house. The Mansion was surrounded by people in glitter tops, short dresses, shorts, tight shirts and mini skirts. There were even some people shirtless or in their underwear. Oliver heard screams of joy and a window getting shattered to pieces. He looked at his door where now a gang of hippies were blowing with some half naked girls on their lap. As he walked towards the door he screamed:

"Everybody out! Get away! Party is over, go home it's probably way over your bedtime!," He stood at the door and one of the guys who was blowing alone didn't move. It made Oliver angry he didn't seem to care what he said. "You," he said slowly coming closer in a treating way "Go away,"

"Why would i? This party isn't over yet, so i'm not moving. Do you have a problem with that?" He turned his head and looked at him with his blue eyes. Any other person wouldn't have noticed it but Oliver saw he was scared and made himself look even bigger en more intimater.

"I do," The boy looked down for a moment, not expecting him to answer. He even looked dazed for a moment. Then he turned into the house without saying a word. Oliver liked his guts but he needed to go, just like all the other people that didn't live here. He stepped through the door and made his way inside by pushing people aside telling them to leave. When he came into the living room he saw a brunette dancing on the table with the guy who was earlier at the door. They danced really intimate and she smiled when he pressed his lips to hers. Oliver stormed towards them.

"Thea what the hell are you doing?" he screamed over the music to the brunette. She turned around. She was wearing a glitter crop top with shorts. her hair was short, it only just touched her shoulders. She smiled at Oliver while screaming:

"Ollie your back! Welcome home! Are you enjoying yourself at the party?! There are some girls at the bar whom been asking where you've been all night. I told them you weren't in town but they just stayed and then..." she wanted to babble more but Oliver cut her off.

"Everybody needs to leave, right now. We have a guest, a special quest. Thea we found her." Thea froze at those last words. She released herself from the boy embrace and screamed over the music to him. She looked at Oliver for a moment but her eyes fell on the Blonde dancing in the back with some random dude. Oliver followed her gaze and saw her dancing, she was really feeling the music and loosed up a bit. Oliver looked at her for a while then turned again to meet Thea's green worried eyes. Then she turned to the boy again:

"Roy tell everybody to leave okay? I'll cut the music." Roy looked stunned for a moment but did what Thea said. He walked away telling people to leave or dragging them towards the door. Thea disappeard in the crowd and a few moments later the music stopped and people started to leave abrubtly. The house was quiet again, everyody had left. Oliver saw Felicity walk out the door and followed her into the garden where she sat down with her 'Guy' and kissed him pasionated. She didn't even noticed him looking at them. But the guy did.

" we have a moment?" he said turning to Oliver. Felicity turned in instand and look at Oliver. She was ashamed that she was making out with her ex in his backyard, but then again it wasn't really his business either, she only knew him one day and they were only together to find her family. Felicity blused and grabbed the guy's face again to kiss it and she then walked away, turned her head when she past Oliver and said:

"coming?" Oliver met her eyes with a flabbergasted expression. This didn't just happend, he was stunned. He snapped from his gaze when she walked inside and followed her to make sure Thea wouldn't jump on top of her, but he could barely think strait now. He just stood in the room looking at her. She wore a white tanktop that exposed her bra from the sides and light blue skinny jeans. She turned her head and smiled at him. He smiled, well the sides of his mouth tried to, but it looked like he just ate something really sour. Diggle stepped inside the living room and found Oliver, looking at felicity. He stepped towards him and when he stood next to him he dragged him to the corner of the room.

"Oliver we need to do something, she's really not going to remember. We need to let her find her family so she can go home beca-,"

"Diggle she is HOME! She just needs to remember it, i know we agreed to let her live with her mother so she could forget all the.... The horrors, but its time she comes home. She needs to be here, she just can't stay away anymore. Her life... it didn't approved at all it just got.. I can't find the words, it just got..."

"normal?" Diggle said and Oliver looked down. He knew her life was easy now and that it was better but he just, he just knew she couldn't be happy like this. Diggle almost reading his mind said:

"You know what i think is funny, you keep saying that her life didn't became better or that she isn't happy, but i You aren't happy because she's not in your life. You need her around to take care of you, but she made a life without you Oliver and yes it isn't the life you imagined for her but look at her.." Diggle pointed in Felicity's direction, she was looking at a painting on the wall "She isn't the same Felicity anymore, she changed. I know you miss her we all do, but Oliver you can't keep imagining her like she was, you need to see her like she is now. Otherwise you will never be able to accept what happened or even forgive yourself for it," Oliver looked at Felicity while she trew her blonde locks over her shoulder smiling at the painting. She looked so beautiful, so happy for just one moment.

"I can't diggle and i don't think ever will," he looked away and walked to Thea who'd been staring at Felicity like she just saw a ghost. Roy tried to get her attention but eventually kissed her cheek and left. Thea didn't knew what to say when Oliver stood next to her. She just turned and gave him a hug. She knew how hard this must be for him. Espesially after what they'd been through three years ago. Thea had learned a lot from that experience and she was sure she didn't needed to learn it again. Oliver released himself from her embrace and walked to felicity trying to start a conversation.

"Its killing him," Diggle said while walking up to Thea "He wants to tell her, for her to remember, to be like she was before, but we all know she can't. He just can't accept that." Thea looked in his eyes.

"If he could i would be worried, but because he can't i know... i know that he had three years but so did i and i'm still in the same shock he is. Waking up every morning hoping it wasn't real and then... when it hits you it did.. you feel this empthyness and this endless pain that just never stops. You can't expect him to ever get over that, and i know you only want the best for him. so do i, but moving on is almost impossible," Thea's eyes looked down at the memory. She still had nightmares of the screams and cries from that night. Diggle saw her expression and knew he had gone to far, he had a hard time with it to but Oliver and Thea were the ones that really took the hit that night. Well they and Felicity.

Misplaced Memory (An Arrow Fanfic) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now