chapter 10

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I'm sorry i haven't been writing lately, I was very busy with school and i was away for a few days. I'll try to write more these days . Sorry everyone!

Felicity woke up at the sound of her stomach . She fell asleep last night before dinner and because she had the only key, or so she was told, nobody could wake her. The room was dark and she couldn't see much, she searched for a clock to know what time it was, but the dark seemed to have consumed everything in the room except for a male figure standing in front the door with his face hidden in the darkness. Felicity stopped from fear, the only thing she could do was breathe and follow the figure around the room. He walked across the room and stopped at the wall on the left side of Felicity. Her whole body refused to move, she couldn't see him but she did heard him. His heavy footsteps made the floor creak and as the sound came closer i tried to force my body to move, to do something but nothing happend. He stopped next to me. Then i heard him splashing something at the wall. It smelled horrible, like death. Then i felt a spatter on my arm and more came every second. He was spilling the fluid all over me. I closed my eyes not wanting to see what was going on, still praying i could scream for help. Drips fell from my hair at my arm as i sat in the pole of fluid. The man came closer and whispered in her ear.

"Little felicity you can't beat him," His voice cracked. Felicity knew this wasn't the man that visited her in her car but she knew he sent him but why? Wasn't she scared enough already? Why would he think she would betray him, she knew she had no other choice to save her own and her family's life then to obey him. She would do anything to just go home with her family and live her life again. he pulled away and the heavy footsteps walked away. Felicity counted every step. He stopped somewhere in front of her. She heard him grabbing something from his jacket. She tried to open her eyes again. Slowly they opened and every muscle in her body started shaking. She was covered in blood, who knows who's. The man in front of her had one of his hands behind his back. Then he showed the gun in his hand and he pulled it forward.

"Don't forget not to cross him or else this could be your fate,"he said. Felicity heard the fear in his voice as he spoke those words. Then he put the gun to his head and pulled the trigger. The gunshot brought Felicity back to life and she screamed as soon as his body fell to the ground. All she could do was scream and cry. She wanted to get out of there but she couldn't bare the thought of seeing his dead body on the floor. She tried to look at the wall left to her, to see what he'd done. Her head turned slowly and when she faced the wall she turned her head away. She hadn't seen what exactly was on the wall but she knew she didn't want to know. She screamed again. Even her tears were mixed with the blood covering her now.

Oliver jumped from his bed as soon as he heard a scream coming from the room at the end of the wall. The room where felicity was. He ran to her room and opened the door. He recognised the terrible smell as soon as he opened the door, the smell of a death body. He walked into the room and  saw Felicity sitting in the bed screaming, crying and covered in blood. He looked in the room and saw the dead man laying on her floor. He had a gun in his hands and bullet wound in his head. It took him a few seconds before he saw the text on the wall on the left of Felicity. He was frightened for that moment, something that rarely happend but the thought that he found her in his house, it made him sick and so angry he felt like punching through the wall beside him. He ran to Felicity and picked her sticky body up. The blood now covered his arms too. He didn't wanted Felicity to be in this horror scene any longer. He ran out the room, down the hall towards his own. He opened his door and walked straight to the bathroom where he eventually put Felicity down on a chair next to the sink. He walked out to find his Phone and called Diggle.

"Oliver? Hi how are you doing at 5:30 in the morning?" Oliver heard the sarcasm in his voice but didn't care. Diggle was about to something else but Oliver took the lead and talked fast but clear.

"Diggle something happend, somehow someone broke in and entered Felicity's room. It's all covered in blood and there's a body. I need you to come right away," While he was talking Oliver already heard Diggle from the other side of the line running through his house and when he had finished he heard a door close.

"I'm already on my way, should we call Lance? Or our common friend?"

"Call Lance and Don't worry about the Arrow he will be here, but first i need to be here for Felicity after that he can track down who did this and put and Arrow through his head," Oliver hung up and walked back to the bathroom where Felicity sat on the chair. Her eyes were staring into nothing and she was shaking with every muscle in her body. Oliver walked to her and put an arm around her.

"Felicity Don't worry your save now, it's gonna be alright,"Oliver knew it was a lie. Nothing was 'okay' but he wanted her to calm down, to not be afraid, to never go through anything that she just experienced. She stopped screaming but she couldn't stop crying. She couldn't understand Why. Why he would do this after everything she'd done. She looked at Oliver who looked at her with concern in his eyes.

"Felicity..," was all he could say and he hugged her tightly. They sat like that until Oliver heard Diggle coming up the stairs. He released Felicity who just kept starring and walked to the hallway where Diggle was waiting.

"Oliver, i called Lance he's on his way, but what happend?" He said incomprehensible.

"Diggle you were right, i should have been more careful," Oliver said while walking him towards the room "Then perhaps this would have never happened," Diggle walked into the room and blinked twice to make sure if what he was seeing was real. He walked towards he body and got to his knees.

"This was a suicide, but Why?" He said turning to Oliver "Why would someone go through the trouble of hacking into your security system, shut it down without anyone noticing, then walk straight to the last room in the hallway, break the lock, treaten someone and then commit suicide. Oliver were missing something, something she didn't tell us or something he-," Diglle wanted to go on but Oliver pointed at the wall behind him, what made him turn around and look at the text in front of him.

You weren't fast enough little girl

You can't beat me

Enjoy funeral number one,

sweet dreams,

"Diggle were going to find this guy now and you will stand down when, and i will, put an Arrow through in his skull,"

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