Chapter 15

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What just happened? How did he know? How on earth did he know he'd grabbed her in her car. Yet he made it sound like something different like he was referring to another time, somewhere in her past. Then there was also this hidden sadness in his voice like it affected him personally. After their little chat, the 'hero of the day' left without saying another word. Not really knowing what to do she just sat in the chair she was assigned to, by force. She tried to find out where she was. Her eyes had enough time to get used to the dark. She's already found her purse on one of the tables. it's content spread over it. This guy obviously never learned anything about other people's boundaries or personal space. The serum was also slowly losing its effect on her muscle's. She'd almost been able to get her feet loose from the rope when a door opened.

"Hello?" A female voice asked as she walked down the stairs. She was slender and long her long caramel colored hair dangling around her head.

"Help me!" She shouted "The Arrow kidnapped me! Please help me!" She wasn't sure if this woman just walked downstairs in the wrong basement or was working for the Arrow to keep an eye on her. The woman stopped. She turned her head, careful not to show me her face.

"I'm so sorry, I told him to stop doing that," She hesitated, probably not sure what to do "But I'll find him and talk to him right away,"

"Hey! Wait! You can't just leave me here," Felicity replied as the woman started walking up the stairs again. "Wait!" Her last attempt to make the woman stop echoed through the hollow room as the door slammed shut. Frustrated she let out a sigh. Her eyes felt heavy and slowly they shut closed.

"Stupid so-called heroes," She muttered under her breath while she rested her head on the back of the chair, drifting off to sleep.


Oliver walked around the streets. He could already hear the loud music coming from the brightly lit building around the block. It's been three days since he locked Felicity up. She'd been trying to get out in the creative ways. Like yesterday when she pretended to be death and when he untied her to check her breathing she kicked him in his 'nuts'. Or the day before when she managed to stand up, with the chair and tried to knock him out. She was a lot more difficult when she was, well, captured 8than when she was staying over. Another thing was that she would not stop talking. Naturally, Oliver would smile just at the sound of her voice but when she was talking, tied to that chair, she didn't really sound like the felicity he knew. The Felicity he wanted back. He knew she had to be different, especially after everything that had happened. Her being a dancer and meeting the most scum in the world, her family being captured by a lunatic, he and Diggle just showing up out of nowhere offering their services, her being attacked and when she tried to leave the Arrow captured her. Oliver regretted doing this but he didn't think he had a choice. Felicity was in danger, and if he believed Diggle she was dangerous too. Oliver saw the club. It was dark and Thea's customers were either drunk on the floor or dancing inside. He walked inside and pushed himself through the crowd.

"Ollie!" He turned around and saw Laurel. She came towards him and slapped him in his face.

"What was that for?"

"Maybe, for kidnapping Felicity and locking her up in your arrow cave!" She sounded furious, and she was.

"We don't call it the arrow-,"

"I don't care what you call it, Ollie," She shouted over the music "Just fix this," He heard her calming down and she looked at him with pleading eyes. He cupped her face and kissed her forehead.

"It's gonna be okay, don't worry," It would have sounded a lot sweeter if he hadn't been shouting it over the loud music with sweaty people all around them. She smiled.

Misplaced Memory (An Arrow Fanfic) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now