chapter 9

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Oliver searched the house, but he couldn't find Felicity anywhere. He felt bad for asking his question as soon as she left the room and ran off. Thea was getting them food from the a Chinese place and Diggle walked behind Oliver trying to calm him down, but Oliver was already freaking out.

"Diggle stop saying; everything is okay, because you don't know that," Oliver almost shouted but supressed his tone in case Felicity would hear them. He searched every room, opened every door.

"She could be lying in a pool of blood right now or being kidnaped by the psycho!" Oliver couldn't stand still and ran upstairs to search further.

"Or for all we know she could be, i don't know, going to the bathroom? Oliver we don't know and i'm sure he didn't track her to your house to try to kidnap her here because that would be...," Oliver wasn't listening anymore to what Diggle had to say, but then he thought about what he said a few seconds ago: the bathroom. Diggle walked away, he saw his friend wasn't paying attention anymore and he would not try to stop him anymore. Oliver was a little bit disappointed in him, his friend had given up on him, but then again he perfectly understood why: He was searching for Felicity and that made him feel like the whole world just disappeared. He searched the bathrooms upstairs and when he came to the last one, the one in his room, he stood still. He heard sobs and pleads coming from behind the door. Felicity was crying her eyes out and wasn't feeling like stopping anytime soon. She could only cry and hope for it to end. Oliver wanted to open the door, take her in his arms and calm her down but he knew he couldn't. Not now. Maybe never again. He decided to wait for her, so he could still make sure she was save. He walked to his bed and sat down. He just watched the door and tried to listen to her pleads, to find out what it was she was pleading for, but then again he already knew: Her family. Hearing her cry made Oliver feel like someone just shot him through his head. While he listened to her he heard her curse someone. She didn't say any name but she cursed the memory of someone. Oliver was curious who she was talking about. He knew it could be him, after all he took her family, but when he heard her cursing him for touching her, he knew something wasn't right. Felicity dried her tears while standing up. She looked in the mirror. Her eyes were red and big. She searched the bathroom for a washrag and when she found one she made it wet by putting it in the faucet. She cleaned her face with the cold water and her eyes became less red. When she was satisfied with the result, she put the washcloth in the laundry bag behind her and walked to the door. While putting her hair over her shoulders she opened the door and walked into the room. Oliver looked at her like he just saw a ghost. Her eyes were red and her face wore an sad expression. She looked at him with her blue eyes, her beautiful blue eyes.

"Oliver, what are you doing? Can't i go too the bathroom without being followed?" Felicity tried to cover up the fact that she'd just been crying out loud and that he heard it all, even her pleads for the shadow man to die. "First you find me in my club, being all slimy and smug, then you stalk me into the alley, next i know you're watching me when i'm asleep and know you're on bathroom patrol?!" felicity tried to sound angry but her voice was soft and hoarse from crying.

"Well, miss Smoak," Oliver said hars but playful " I believe it was you in the club that walked with me, and don't pretend that you had to because i know you could've refused," Felicity raised an eyebrow and Oliver continued "then in the alley you were in need of help, so i helped, then you gave me your phone number, next you came to my door asking for help and you walked towards me when i was sitting in, yes your room, but only to get some ice because we didn't had any," Oliver smiled teasingly "And now your walking from my bathroom, into my room so why are you following me, or at least encouraging me to follow you," Felicity didn't knew what to say. He was right, she came to him and she had been giving signals but she didn't knew, why? Felicity looked at him, into his blue eyes. She stared at him for a moment, expecting him to turn away but he didn't. He stood up and walked to Felicity putting his hand on her face.

"Felicity, you can trust me, i'm here to help you," Oliver swallowed he needed to supress the urge to kiss her. His face came closer to hers and Felicity didn't even blink. She could only look in his eyes and her body slowly began to drop to the ground. She could only save herself just in time before falling by putting her arms around Oliver's neck. When her legs regained their strength she slowly pushed him aside.

"How could i be sure of that," She said seductively " When your trying to earn my trust by coming closer and closer...," She pushed her body against Oliver's and this time he was the one losing his balance "When you could earn it easily by just becoming my friend, not my lover," That said she walked towards the door. Oliver followed her into the hallway grabbing her arm before she could leave.

"I'm not..," He started "I'm not trying to earn your trust by becoming your lover, i'm just curious about you," He smiled like a guilty kid whom just told his neighbours he didn't broke their kitchen window with his ball.

"Well..," she said "i'm from Las Vegas, where i'm a dancer in the club 'the dark room'. I live with my mother and sometimes with my almost adoptive sister in a house nearby the club," The thought of her family made Felicity swallow her tears for a moment " And as a hobby i hack into every server i want, is that what you wanted to know?"

"It's a start," He said pulling closer "But i would like to get to know you for real," He pulled away and grabbed a key from a little table at the side of the hallway.

"That is your room," he said while pointing to the last room in the hallway at the left "you have your own bathroom and your own key, so you can keep creeps out," he blinked and walked to his room. As soon as he shut the door Felicity walked to her room opening the door and running towards her bed. The sheets felt warm and soft. She undressed herself and curled up under the sheets. She stared at the ceiling for a moment, thinking about everything that had just happend and what could have happened. She didn't knew why but she felt so comfortable with Oliver, like she'd known him for years and he'd known her. With these thoughts she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Misplaced Memory (An Arrow Fanfic) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now