A Heated Moment for the Leader

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(Leonardo X Reader)

"For the fucking fifteenth time! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hit him that hard on purpose!" was the first words you hear as you pop inside the lair for your daily visit and you groan knowing whose voice it belong to.


"Shut up Raph, you've been losing your temper way too much as of late and I'm sick of you taking it out on us, especially Mikey!" You see Leo going nose to nose with his taller brother but the words spike your immediate interest as you walk further into the sewers.

Mikey was hurt?!

You look to the side of the lair by the walkway for the other rooms and see an unconscious Mikey being held by Don as he was inspecting the damage. You rush to aid the genius reptile in his actions, kneeling on the other side of the sleeping prankster.

Raph was getting out of control for the past few months during their training because of an unknown reason and whenever you or especially his brothers tried to coax what was bothering him out into the open, he would lash out violently and rush out of the lair. Occasionally, he would lash out physically but it wasn't ever this bad.

Placing a gentle hand on the forehead of the youngest as a way to comfort him, you feel a bubble of anger and a protective surge being born in your abdomen. You counted backward from ten, but at each number you were reminded of the times you told Leo to do something about Raph before it escalated past control and with them your anger grew.

The constant yelling and fighting begins to drown out as you start to shake and grit your teeth. You continue to breathe for Mikey sake, but it proves futile when you shoot up and tackle the red turtle to the ground.

You scream profanities and venom aloud as you merciless assault the stunned male.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! What could be eating you up so much that it drives you to harm your brother so badly that he is knocked out cold on the ground of our home!? Would you like it if someone randomly, out of pure anger, abused you or your brothers to the point of unconsciousness!? Well, Mikey is the youngest of you four and you are the second oldest! It is your job to protect your family and if you cant even protect them from yourself, you are going to a very hard time coping as a partner and brother!"

You don't allow the turtle to get a chance to defend himself as you continue to tighten your fists and throw your arms harder with each punch, connecting them with his face, arms, neck and chest.

"You put your brothers through so much shit it amazes me everyday just how much they still love and respect you, when you are so pathetic and childish in ways that really matter sometimes! I love you but I will NOT tolerate your actions like this any longer! Do you fucking understand me you hot-headed, short sighted, disrespectful red wearing lizard?!"

By this time your boyfriend rushes over to grab you by the waist and pull you off his brother. Leo huffs as you continue to struggle in his hold. You are a few inches shorter than Leo, average weight but above average in strength for your size. You watch as Raph apathetically gets off the floor holding his jaw, glaring heatedly at you. You return it with one of your own but entwined with hate.

"What. Is. Going. On. Here?!" everyone halts to the point that you could hear Master Splinter's tail swish against the ground.

No one speaks or makes eye contact with the elderly rat.

"Raphael! Y/n!! Speak now." You and Raph flinch at the tone.

"It was my fault Sensei. I apologize." Raph growls at Leo as the blue turtle kneels before their father.

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