Your Not-So-Normal Foreplay

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This is slightly more sexual than what we thought it would be but since we were on heavy medication we randomly awoke and decided to write this up at 3 in the morning, we thought it would suffice for you.

This is sexual (kinda, we think) and if you are not of the age of consent or are too innocent PLEASE SKIP THIS CHAPTER!! We also believe if this is more towards the readers (meaning you, the one that is looking at your screen) liking than we will try and continue something like this.

Let us know, if you would so kindly.

Have a good one. We enjoy your time here.


(Raphael x Reader)

"Now (y/n), you should know better than to run from me." A husky Brooklyn voice says as a strong body pins you against the wall with your hands held above you.

You chuckle not trying in any way to struggle out of the grip as you looked at the shadow behind you. Turning your head as far as it could without hurting yourself you grinning mischievously.

"What fun would that be if I just surrendered? It'd be boring!" You say smugly at your assailant earning a growl into your neck.

You feel a rush of adrenaline flow through your body from the now ended chase, a high making you lick your lips in anticipation of your attacker. You've been caught and you knew what was coming. You try to slow your breathing but with the slight fear in your heart it makes it slightly impossible. You begin to feel antsy, wondering when or if the male is goin to make a move, but surprisingly he doesn't.

"Well, you're not trying to escape me for one." He replies.

Catching your breath, your lungs ache from the entire running and jumping you did across the rooftops of New York. Being caught during your get away meant it was the end of your chase with you pinned on the wall with a tall strong figure against your back.


You gasp as you feel a three-fingered hand brush your hair away from your neck only to feel soft warm lips press against your skin making you shiver in delight. You sigh as a warm breath escapes from the green body touching your flesh. Your knees begin to shake gently almost ready to give under your weight.

"I win, again." The male says churring as he gently kisses the flesh a few more times.

Smiling, you're turned around with your back now against the wall, your hands still held tightly above you with your chest facing a plastron. You look up to see a six foot red clad ninja with golden orbs smirking at you in victory.

A pair of warm lips crushes upon yours as he lets go of your wrists. He snakes one of his hands behind your back, the other behind your neck deepening the kiss. You moan into his mouth before he pulls away to breath. Looking into your (e/c) eyes he attacks yours cheek placing butterfly kisses along your jaw to your neckline.

"Fine. You win, you may have what you wish." You say defiantly as your face becomes red as a tomato. You quickly give in to his desires as he picks you up wrapping your legs around his waist still ravishing your neck making your voice give birth to seductive mews and moans.

"It's so much more fun when you fight me. Turns me on greatly." The male turtle licks your neck sending another wave of pleasure through you.

Blushing, you allow the male to gently suck and bite upon your tender neck forming love marks with each pass he makes.

You've been seeing the hotheaded male for a year, today in fact, and you both decided to celebrate with foreplay. A different kind of foreplay from normal couples, but hey, who said you were normal? It was the kind that you knew that would turn both you and your boyfriend on greatly, making it easier to please him later on.

He loved the physical challenge of getting something that he deemed that he wanted and that was for your body, to be under him screaming out his name to all of New York. How you would always make him fight for his dominant right to make you lay down for him, the pure animalistic need for you to be his mate, forever.

He also loved the fire you made him feel each time he claimed you; it became like an addictive drug, once he had a taste he just had to have more, never getting his fulfillment.

You loved the rush you got as you ran from the male. It always sent an erotic shiver through your body. The chase also made you increasingly excited but it was the punishment of your loss that turned you on to the point of making you a panting mess. Especially when you would sometimes purposely get caught when you just couldn't handle the teasing any longer.

You loved being over powered by the hunk of a turtle you called a lover, but you never admit it free willingly he had to force it out of you. It was another sort of a turn on, him making you call his name and say things that made you powerless underneath him.

You enjoyed the thought of all the possible ways he could make you a gooey mess underneath him.

"You love that 'bout me. I can never give into you so easily Raphael." You smirk as he growls seductively into your ear.

He moves away stepping back to gaze upon the now flustered and hot mess that was you. You panted trying desperately to hold the pure lust and need for the turtle down only to fail making you whimper and moan in want.

He grins as he picks you up bridal style and begins running toward the lair.

"This is the best anniversary gift yet, (y/n)!" His smooth tone becoming more of one with need and heat making another shiver pass through you.

Nodding and grinning at your lover, you kiss his lips.

"And there's so much more to come with the following anniversaries." You say seductively, winking at the blushing turtle.

Earning a deep seductive churr from the male you lean on his muscular chest.

That night Raphael had so many punishments for you.

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