Training Mishap

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First. We're sorry for not updating as fast as you had hoped. life.

second. if you see any grammar errors let us know, we didnt really get a chance to edit this. Also sorry if this isnt all that well writen as much as we like Leonardo, he is very hard to write for when we cant think of any good scenarios for him. oh well.

Please enjoy the chapter.


(Leonardo X Reader)

On top of the waist of your boyfriend with your legs straddling his sides you aren't very sure about doing this with the ninja, because you weren't all that confident in yourself. Taking another deep breath you look at your boyfriend again for a confidence boost.

"Are you sure about this Leo?" you ask nervously as he places his hands on your hips. You blush looking down to see his cobalt eyes staring lovingly at yours.

The male underneath just smiles and nods trying to encourage you to keep going with your actions.

"It's fine (Y/n), really. It's not like you can physically harm me more than a kitten." He replies with a smirk.

Your heart melts seeing the lip formation. His smirk was so amazing and it only elated you more when you thought of the ways in which that smirk could make your body do so many unnatural things.

'No not now, please mind?' you mentally plea with yourself.

The blue masked male holds onto your hips gently. You place your hands on his shoulders.

"Alright, if you say so." Sighing you begin to lean down lowering your upper body onto his.

Once your bodies touch you freeze.

"Hajime!" a commanding voice yells.

At the sound of the command you quickly flip over to your right landing on your hands and knees. A green leg sweeps across the floor trying to make you fall, instead you jump up in time with the sweep kick making it miss. You stand and brace yourself for another attack but nothing comes. You look around but the blue clad ninja is nowhere to be seen. You get an idea making your lips form a mischievous grin.

"Come on sweetie, you can do better than that." You smile as your taunt makes your boyfriend huff in determination; got him.

The sound makes you look up onto the catwalks in the Hashi. Seeing a six-foot figure in the shadows you run at the wall before quickly jumping up the pipes to catch the railing to pull yourself up. You move quickly to change your stance to one of defense; you had to be ready for whatever the stronger male threw at you.

"You're really trying now aren't you, (Y/n)?" he says in a serious-like tone.

Hearing his voice it makes your legs hesitate and your face flush. The turtle catches your actions making him grin.

"What's wrong darling. Too much for you?" he says using his leader voice again. His smile widens as your legs slightly give. You lean onto the railing for support.

Your heart races as each syllable leaves his handsome lips. You had to get the upper hand of this training exercise. Looking around you notice the youngest of the turtles watching you both with an intrigued face. You pipe up getting an idea.

You let out a high-pitched whistle making Michelangelo fully look at you; hiding your hand you begin to signal him for an object, only he would know, that would greatly disorientate his eldest bro. Receiving an unnoticed nod he quickly disperses. You smile triumphantly back at the masked ninja before you and decided to change your tactics to one that he wouldn't suspect you to use against him: your body.

"Leo~" you say in a teasing voice.

You shake your head after letting a hand run through your loose ponytail. Sighing and biting your lip you look up at your sparing partner with a lustful look. You hear a small deep churr come from the male who is watching your every move.

Walking over to him as his hands are still raised in defense, you run your hands delicately up his arm, rubbing the skin gingerly, before wrapping your forearms around his neck. Looking up at his blushing face you kiss his lips tenderly.

Another churr erupts from his throat; he drops his hands to wrap them around your waist pulling you closer to his body. He begins to place butterfly kisses along your neck to your cheek only to do the same on the other side. Sighing with a blush you giggle at the warm sensation.

After a few moments you catch movement in the corner of your eye. You leave Leonardo to continue with the assaults of his lips and gentle bites on your flesh so that you can look over at the entity behind him.

Seeing a balloon held high in the air by your best friend you begin to chuckle. This catches the attention of your ninja. He pulls back to look at you but before he can voice anything you grab the side of his neck as you place your right foot behind the left leg facing you. His face contorts to one of confusion before being flipped onto his back and a water balloon collides with his face.

"Yaame!" yells Splinter and as he leaves he comments, "Good work exploiting Leonardo's weakness (Y/n)."

"Thank you, Master Splinter." You give a slight bow before turning to your friend.

"I can't believe that worked! Thanks Mikey!" you say happily.

You high five the prank master after jumping over his brothers body, both sharing laughter fits and gasps. Neither of you hear an annoyed growl from the aqua masked reptile as he marches irately towards you both.

"No problem (Y/n); Master Prankster is always happy to help." He says in the same tone nudging your side.

A dark voice pipes up forcing both of you to freeze.

"Mikey. (Y/n)."

Oh no you think. You forgot how he would react to being deceived. You gently turn around with a nervous smile ready to face the angry big brother.

"Now honey, sweet heart that I love dearly, it was just a training exercise." You respond with your hands up in surrender; Mikey following suite but bolts as Leo steps closer leaving you to face him alone.

"Coward!" you yell at the retreating youngest.

"You shouldn't be distracted with him when it was you who asked him for help."

"Wha-?" you say looking at him with a shocked expression.

"I saw the hand signals. You need to work on being secretive." he responds making you blush from embarrassment.

He bends forward grabbing your hips to place you on his shoulder. He jumps off the catwalks and lands with ease. You begin to feel uneasy. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to trick him with a tactic that you used. Your body begins to shake as he throws you gracefully onto his bed.

"Leo, what are you goin' to do?" you ask even though you half-heartedly know the answer.

He closes and locks his door.

"Just a little punishment." He says in his leader voice once again.

"o-oh, ok." Blushing from his tone.

He grins hungrily as he crawls up from the foot of the bed.

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