Movie Night

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hello reader,

This is our first public TMNT reader scenerio book and we hope you enjoy it as much as we have writng it. You can be as crtitcal of this as you please because it will help us become better writers. We hate saying this but if you wish to see a scenerio of your choosing you can give us a message and well be glad to let your wish come true. so dont be a stranger.

have a good one, we'll see you around.


(Michelangelo x Reader)


An orange clad ninja yelled enthusiastically as he collapsed upon your couch, grabbing the remote for the TV to turn it on. Shaking your head and giggling, you sit along side him holding out a bowl filled with buttery popcorn, enticing him to have some before digesting the salty golden snack yourself. You made it as the male was setting up the movie.

"Here, want some?"

"Mmm thanks hun."

He grabs a handful of the popcorn, stuffing it in his mouth and moans as the taste of butter and salt made its way through his mouth.

"You can't have a movie marathon without popcorn!" you exclaim matter-of-factly.

He nods his head in agreement as he takes another handful. You follow suite as he presses play on the DVD player.

You had gotten your hands on a pirated disc from a close friend containing the newest horror movie that had just released in theaters, Annabelle.

You both decided that, even though you both were chickens, you would have a horror movie night.

Making the plans to watch, what you thought, the scariest movies first and descend your way down the mental insanity scale of horror, where each movie you both picked were notched at, hoping that way you both weren't having nightmares that night.

You doubted that sincerely.

You knew the outcome would be that of two bodies sharing the same bed, meaning that you and your masked boyfriend would be soothing each other's fears away. And some fantasies made your face flush with a pinkish color.

You secretly hoped for that prediction to come true. You wanted your first time with the male turtle, be of one that you both enjoyed, special and with the help of this movie night, it being horror, you knew tonight might just be the night.

Stifling a giggle you hide the newest and more intense blush that invaded your face.

As the pirated movie started with the advertisements you look up at the male seeing him emerged into the ads, his sky blue eyes intent on learning the next movie to come out and mentally deciding if he wanted to see it. You couldn't help but blush at the thought of him looking at you that way.

It hasn't been long since the two of you had gotten together but boy it was serious. You two had become inseparable at the hip. You couldn't go anywhere without him and visa verse. It wasn't the over protectiveness or clingy type it was just that you both knew that you loved one another to the full extent of the world and possibly beyond.

Thinking back to how you came to this night seeing that you lived with the orange masked turtle in your apartment in New York. It was memories that only made you smile and you were fully, if not loved, content with it.

Giggling and looking over at the turtle you grab his attention by poking his baby like cheek.

"You ready Mikey? (F/n) said that this was really super scary, full of jump scares and creepiness." Wiggling your fingers in front of your face for emphasis, making him gulp and quickly nod.

"You better believe your shell (y/n)!" he playfully nudges your side with his elbow winking at you, "the knights gotta protect his princess doesn't he?"

Blushing, you push him away making him land on his side laughing.

He was cheesy sometimes but you didn't mind that because it was one of the quirks that you loved.

"You're such a dork," you say giggling and kissing his cheek, "but that's why I love you."

It was his turn to blush at your words and it made him speechless. Bashfully he rubs the back of his neck and looks lovingly into your (e/c) eyes before drawing you into a firm yet gentle hug.

"I love you too (Y/n)."

The opening credits began to show and you change the warm hug into a more comfortable pose with you leaning onto his chest and his arm cascading over your shoulders and down your right arm, both of you leaning backward into your couch.

"Here we go." Mikey whispers as his arm tightens around you, moving from your arm to your waist.


Only being able to get through about twenty minutes of the movie with horrified screams and pleading cries, you both found that the movie was indeed very scary, ending with both of your bodies clinging onto each other for dear life. Your major tick was the jump scares; Mikey's was the fact that something of the supernatural being apart of the story, a ghost. It scared you both to the point of having to shut it off and watch YouTube videos of cats and other cute things to calm both of you down, which you've been doing for quite a while now.

"Whoa (y/n), that cat's playing chopsticks! With chopsticks!"

Giggling you responded, "Yea, that is pretty awesome."

Mikey continued to be awestruck as he stared at the screen on your laptop watching more and more videos of kittens doing spectacular things while you watched him with loving eyes.


Seeing your clock showing the time being near one in the morning you place the electronic in his lap. You stand stretching your arms with a yawn. With a satisfying slight pop coming from your back you relax smiling at the turtle beside you.

"I'm gonna head to bed Mikey, its getting late."

Seeing the time as well he turns the computer off and closes it before putting it on the coffee table before him and stands grinning at you.

"Come on, you silly turtle."

Shaking your head and smiling you turn to leave but next thing you know you're being picked up and whisked away towards your bedroom with you squealing in delight.

Being gently tossed onto your bed you feel another weight being added. Looking over you see the turtle climbing upward above you, stopping where he's level with you.

He gives you a smile followed with lustful and loving eyes, you giggle in response. Your lips meet and the feeling of lust begins to flow through yours body. 

What a wonderful way to end the movie night.

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