Chapter 1 Ready Yet?

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Scott's POV
As I finished packing my bags I heard my mom yell from down stairs
"Are you ready yet!? You don't want to be late for your first day of camp!"
I just moved here about 2 weeks ago and don't really know anyone and I'm hoping to make some friends.

Mitch's POV

As I check myself in the mirror one more time I am very happy with the way I look. My recently died purple hair is looking great. Along with my black skinny jeans, and t-shirt. I couldn't stop thinking about all the people I'm going to meet.
"Mitch hurry up!" I heard my mom call snapping me out of the daydream. I went downstairs and got in the car to start my summer.

Kirstie's POV

I was staring out the window of my mom's car as she drove me to the bus stop. I wondered how many of my friends would be there and who I would share I bunk with. The bus stop was about an hour away and I was hoping to sleep in the car but I couldn't stop thinking about camp.
As we arrived at the bus stop I realized how many people were there, but I didn't recognize anyone. It was my second summer, but they changed everything. I hope it will still be as fun.

Avi's POV

"Hurry up!! I don't want to be late!!" I heard my sister Esther calling from the car.
"I'm coming!" I yelled back. All she cares about is the fact that she is going to be a counselor this year and boss me around. She just always rubs it in my face.
"Avi, I know what bunk you are in, but I can't tell you..." she said for what felt like the millionth time. She always does this to me, having something better or different than I do she always makes it known. I'm just hoping to make friends since it is my first summer and hopefully Esther will hang out with me if I don't have any.

Kevin's POV

"Mom, can I please bring my cello I really want to make sure I can practice a little" I asked my mom.
"Kevin, for the thousandth time, no you can not bring your cello" she replied. We have been going back and forth like this for the past week, but I am very stubborn and I REALLY want to bring my cello to camp.
"Please Mom, I really want to bring her"
"My cello, Beyoncé"
"You named your cello"
"Yes, can I bring her?"
"Thank you!!"
"We will leave in 10 minutes be ready"
"Ok thanks"
I finished packing my bags, and bus bag with 5 minutes to spare. I decided to check and make sure there was no new music for me to download before getting in the car with my mom to go to the bus stop.

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