Chapter 8 Recording?

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Avi's POV

Music is my favorite class in the entire world!! I love that it is only the 5 of us. I also love that we work so well together. I love the walk to music as well. It is so beautiful. There are big trees and small bushed with pretty flowers along the path.
When we arrived at music Ben had some great news for us.
"So guys there is something I didn't tell you..." Ben started "we have our own recording studio on campus for this class and we are going to use it and record Payphone before we start to work on anything else."
We were all silent and stared blankly at Ben in amazement.
"I've never even thought of the idea of being able to record anything in a recording studio so this is very cool" Kevin said. We all we just amazed. The smile on all of our faces was enough to let Ben know that we were into it.
In the recording studio we all had to go in separately. We started with some warmups and ran through the song a couple times. One by one we went into the recording studio to record our part of Payphone.
After all of us had recorded our parts we all got to hear it. After it finished playing we all cheered. We sounded amazing on it and everyone was flawless. We headed to lunch dreading our afternoons, except for Kirstie.

Kirstie's POV

Lunch was great but I was just so excited for theater that I could barely eat. Today we were going to start learning the routine for A Whole New World which I couldn't be more excited for. Learning the routine should be fun. Jeremy has an amazing voice and is really cute, which is bad for me due to the fact that I sometimes stare at him and forget lines or the start to a song.
"Today we will work on A Whole New World" Violet announced "let's just listen to it first"
The music started playing.

I can show you the world
Shining shimmering splendid
Tell me princess
Now when did you last let your heart decide
I can open your eyes
Take you wonder by wonder
Over sideways and under
On a magic carpet ride
A whole new world...

I got lost in the beautiful words of the song and almost forgot to sing along when my part came.

Unbelievable sights
Indescribable feelings
Soaring tumbling freewheeling
Through an endless diamond sky

After we finished a run through of the song with the track we did it without the track. Then we started to learn the choreography and how we are going to perform it in the show.

Kevin's POV

I was heading back to the bunk when I got a phone call from my mom.
"Hello?" I said as I answered the phone
"Kevin?" My mom asked
"Yeah. Is everything alright?"
"Yeah everything in great"
"Really? Then why did you call?"
"You haven't called us since the day you arrived and your father and I were a little worried. That's all"
"You guys know that if I don't call it's a good thing right? It means I'm having fun. If there was an emergency or something was wrong I would call you."
"So what is so fun that you haven't had the chance to call us?"
"Well, there is this thing called battle of the bands, and my bunk is going to participate in it. We are the only ones in the music class I am taking and we are an A Cappella group. We decided to do that when we found out that all of us sing and most of us have been in choir. We started our first cover, which is of the song Payphone, and today we recorded it in the camp recording studio. "
"Wow, Kevin you've been doing a lot. When is this battle of the bands?"
"Next week"
"Do you guys have a name?"
"Not yet. I don't think any of us even thought about that"
"Well I have to go"
"Me too, everyone will be worrying about me if I'm not in the bunk"
"Ok I'll talk to you soon"
"You too mom. Bye"
I hung up. Talking to my mom is great, but I wanted to be back in the bunk with my friends.

"Kevin where have you been?" Esther scolded as I walked in the front door of the bunk.
"I was walking back to the bunk and my mom called so I stopped to talk to her. I didn't realize how long we talked for. I'm really sorry. It won't happen again" I said. Everyone was staring at me at that point.
"It's alright. Just next time if you are going to stop somewhere please let me know."
I nodded and decided I should finish my book.

Scott's POV

In the bunk I was fishing through all of my bags and bins to find one thing. The one thing that I needed at the moment.
"Found it" I said under my breath as I pulled a small black notebook out from a bin under my bed. My journal is one of my favorite things to write in. I write almost anything. Normally it consists of my innermost thoughts and feelings or songs I write. I knew I should probably write something in my journal about camp.

Scott's Journal

Sorry I haven't written in a while, I got to camp and have been having an amazing time but there is this one boy in all of my classes, my bunk, and my bus partner. He is very attractive. He is small and funny. He dyed his dark brown hair purple and has beautiful brown eyes. He has the most beautiful voice I have ever heard. I love him. I love Mitch Grassi.

Mitch's POV

"Scott. Scott. Scott. Scott? Scott? Earth to Scott." I was trying to get his attention and was having some trouble.
"Hm" he said as he looked at me "sorry I was so absorbed in my journal I kinda tuned out everything around me."
"That's alright at least I got your attention"
"How long did it take you?"
"Not long maybe like 6 times"
"I need to not do that. It's ok when I do it at home but I need to pay attention to what's going on around me here"
"Yeah. What were you writing anyway?"
"Oh it was nothing"
"Come on show me"
"It's personal"
"I'll show you mine"
"It's not going to happen"
"Ugh fine"
"Maybe one day I'll show you"
"When is that day?"
"Not today"
"I got to go. It's my turn to shower"
Scott left and I was staring at the small black book. I so badly wanted to read it. No one was looking so I decided I would, but I couldn't tell Scott. I would read it fast not knowing how long Scott would take.
I love Mitch Grassi
After I read that last part of the entry I knew my feelings, as well as Scott's, could become a reality.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I had ally of fun writing it and I have some great ideas for upcoming chapters.

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