Chapter 14 Sickness

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Kevin's POV

When we woke up this morning I noticed Kirstie wasn't her normal self. She looked paler than normal and she seemed sluggish and tired. I couldn't help but worry about her. There's only five of us, and if she is sick this week we will have to work around that which can be very hard. We already have the rough outline and she is a major part in the song, and every song, but it would be really hard to have to work around that. Especially this week. All she talked about last night was how well the play is going to go Saturday and she is looking forward to it and I don't want her to be sick and that turn into a problem.
The song is coming along great though. We have a great outline and a concrete beginning. We are going to work on the rest today in music.
We all walked to breakfast and sat at our usual table. We were all too tired to really talk. Scott almost fell asleep in his breakfast but Mitch poked him before his face hit the plate. Yesterday felt so long and we all were really tired today.

Avi's POV

We walked to music and sat down at our usual seats, although today was anything but normal. Ben wasn't there when the five of us arrived.
"Hey guys, sorry I'm late, one of my campers was vomiting and I needed to get him settled in the infirmary." He scanned the room and looked at us "Kirstie, are you feeling okay?" He asked her as he looked in her direction.
"Yeah, I'm fine" she replied through a stuffed nose
"You sure? You don't sound fine"
"Yeah, I'm absolutely perfect"
"Okay let's get started"
Kirstie sneezed
"You sure you're okay"
"Yeah. I'm great. Really"
We did our normal warmups and worked on the background parts in the song. We tried what we had and had to do it multiple times because Kirstie was struggling. She seemed pretty sick and I knew it would pass, but I was worried about her. She was really pushing herself to be her best when she isn't sick, and we don't want her to hurt herself. We need her. There's five of us, five different voices put together to create music. Without one we will suffer. We need Kirstie to get better, and we need it fast.

Scott's POV

Mitch and I, more awake now, walked to lunch after music. This was our normal routine. Wake up, help each other out when getting ready if necessary, walk to breakfast together, eat, walk to music together, sit together during music, walk to lunch together, sit next to each other, walk to our afternoon activity, walk back to the bunk, hang and shower, walk to dinner together, eat, walk back, canteen if in the mood, repeat.
"Hey, Kirstie doesn't seem to well" he said snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah, she really doesn't"
"I hope she's going to be okay for battle of the bands"
"Me too"
"Hey, maybe we should talk to her"
"It's obvious she doesn't want to make a big deal out of it, let's respect that and leave it to her to come to us."
"Good idea"
"You're really good at that"
"Good at what?"
"Recognizing how someone feels about something by an expression or the way they act when someone else talks to them about it. Will I ever be like that?"
"Hey do you want to stay in the bunk tonight and I'll teach you some social cues"
"Sure, sounds like a great idea, thanks"

Kirstie's POV

I'm sick, there I said it, I think it's just a cold, but I'm trying not to accept it, if I accept the fact that I'm sick it'll just screw battle of the bands up and I can't do that. Everyone's trying to be so sweet and I'm just pushing them all away. I know I shouldn't, but if they think I'm fine, then I'll be fine, eventually. Why is it so hard for me to admit to the fact that I'm sick? I know people get sick all the time, why is this different?
"Hey babe" Jeremy said snapping me out of my thoughts "kiss?"
"No? What do you mean no? What did I do?"
"You did nothing, I'm sick, I mean it's just a cold nothing major but I don't want you to get it."
"Okay, will I see you at canteen later?"
"Maybe, depends how I feel"

Time of canteen

I decided to stay in and rest. I noticed Scott and Mitch were also staying in.
"You guys do whatever you planned, don't mind me"
"Okay, let's us know if you need anything, Kirst, we'll be right here" Scott said
"Okay, thanks"
My phone buzzed and I saw it was a text from Jeremy.
Jeremy: canteen?
Kirstie: not really feeling great, wanna rest so I'll hopefully be better tomorrow😘😘

Mitch's POV

I felt really weird doing this with Kirstie there. I mean she knows I don't really have friends at school, but the fact that I am basically a loner who doesn't even understand social cues, that's pretty embarrassing.
Mitchie: wanna just do this another night? I'm kinda embarrassed about it.
Scotty: then what are we going to do? It's going to be a while before Kevin Avi and Esther get back, any ideas
Mitchie: I can sing you a song I wrote.
Scotty: I wanna hear!!

I opened my book to one of my favorites 'See Through'

World under my skin
There for you to find
All I've kept within
Lay before your eyes

I can't afford to lose
Another second with you
I've been waiting a long time
I can't afford to lose
Another second with you
I am yours and you are mine

I am see through baby
So take a look inside
I am see through baby
And I don't want to hide
For the very first time
For the very first time
I am see through baby
And I don't want to hide

Stripped down to my heart
Naked to the core
All of me uncharted
Begs to be explored

Can't afford to lose
Another second with you
I've been waiting a long time
I can't afford to lose
Another second with you
I am yours and you are mine

I am see through baby
So take a look inside
I am see through baby
And I don't want to hide
For the very first time
For the very first time
I am see through baby
And I don't want to hide

Take a look inside
I'm not gonna hide
Who I am inside

I am see through baby
So take a look inside
I am see through baby
And I don't want to hide
For the very first time
For the very first time
I am see through baby
And I don't want to hide

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