Chapter 7 Music and The Lead Role

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Kevin's POV

Before I knew it we were back in music, just us and Ben.
"We need to pick a song" Ben told us. He was right we needed to pick out our first song.
"I love the song Payphone" Mitch suggested
"That's an amazing song" Scott replied
"That's a good one" Kirstie added
"I like it" Avi said
"Me too" I added
"Then it's settled, you will cover Payphone as your first cover" Ben announced.
We listened to the song a couple times and started to get a feel for the song. We decided that Mitch would have the solo, but didn't have enough time to work out the background parts. We headed to lunch but al we could think about was how much fun we were having, and what just happened in music. We have become so close, even though battle of the bands is two weeks away, I knew we would be amazing.

At lunch all we could talk about was music.
"What if we arrange some background parts tonight instead of canteen" Kirstie suggested
"I would love to, I don't go to canteen any way so..." Mitch replied
"Me too" Scott added
"I wouldn't mind" I said in response to Kirstie
"Same" Avi added
It was settled we would work on background parts in canteen.

Avi's POV

During canteen the 5 of us were in the bunk listening to Payphone and trying to arrange the background parts. We had something that sounded great so Kirstie called Ben.
"He said he'll be her in 5 minutes" she said after she got off the phone. 5 minutes later Ben knocked on the door and came in.
"You guys arranged something?" He asked
"Yeah" Kirstie said "We are really happy with it"
"Then you guys should sing it for me"Ben said
We all sat on Kirstie's bed facing Ben and sang our cover of Payphone.

"Wow... that was....amazing" Ben said after the little performance.
"I've seen many of the battle of the bands, 5 of them actually, and no one has ever done A Cappella. That was amazing. Better than most other performances in battle of the bands ever." Ben said.
"What are most bands like?" I asked
"Most are teenagers who are learning instruments and learn the chords to play songs but are not very good at it. People get lucky when they have a band member who plays an instrument very well, but there are very few." Ben told us "thanks for that performance, I have to go back to canteen to round up my kids, so I'll see you guys tomorrow."
"Bye" we all said in unison.
"Let's not get to cocky and think we will win. Even though what Ben said indicated it that will only hurt us." Scott said.
"I totally agree. If we think we are so great and all that and let it get to our heads we definitely won't win" Mitch added.
Even if we did have an amazing performance it would still take work to win battle of the bands.

Scott's POV

The Payphone cover was a success. It would be weird to help Mitch with his friendship issues with everyone here. I know Mitch wants me to help, but with everyone here I didn't want to do anything to hurt his friendships with the rest of the bunk.
"There is still 20 minutes of canteen left" I said in case anyone wanted to go.
"I'll be back after canteen is over." Kirstie said as she walked out the door.
"Me too" Kevin said, and so did Avi.
"You guys coming?" Avi asked us
"No I'm good" I replied
"Me too" Mitch added
"Alright. See you later"Avi said and then left.
"Thanks," Mitch said "You knew I wanted your help but didn't want to be embarrassed about it. You're awesome."
"No problem, so how should we do this?" I asked
"I don't know"
"Do you want to ask questions and I'll answer"
"Ok fire"
"How do you make a friend?"
"You go up to someone you don't know and talk to them."
"Is there more to it?"
"Well you just start a conversation and you will learn about similar interests as they come up in your conversation"
"Oh really, that's it"
"That's not how our friendship started"
"It did though"
"I asked you if you needed help and as I helped you we talked."
"We did didn't we. It all starts with one conversation"
"But some don't work and you have nothing to talk about and it feels awkward."
"But that hasn't happened"
"I don't think it will"
It never occurred to me that friendships could really end. I've moved a lot but never had to deal with friendships ending, they just are forgotten.

Mitch's POV

When everyone got back from canteen we had about an hour and a half before bed. I knew I had to do my summer reading so I could do that or talk to Scott or anyone else in the bunk or play on my phone or go to sleep early. I decided to read. The book wasn't good, but I had to read it. I was so bored but judging the size of the first book I could finish it tonight.
"Whatcha reading?" Scott asked startling me
"One of my summer reading books" I replied
"Is it good?"
"No, it's really boring"
"Yeah, it's pretty bad..."
"Lights out in 5...4...3...2...1"Esther shouted and the lights were out.

Kirstie's POV

Reveille blew to start another day. I now have a morning routine going. Reveille blows, wake up, brush teeth, wash face, choose outfit, do hair, do makeup, choose shoes, and go to breakfast. That's my morning.
In music we practiced some more and perfected the song.
Theater was very exciting. I was very nervous entering. My audition went well yesterday but other people were really good too. I ran to the sheet with everyone else and saw I was Jasmine and Jeremy was Aladdin. What a perfect match. He is so cute and I totally like him. Doing this show will hopefully bring us closer and maybe we will become a couple. I love hanging out with him during canteen.
"Today we are going to just read the script and learn the lines" Violet announced.
I ran into the bunk with the biggest smile on my face.
"What's up with you?" Scott asked
"I. Got. The. Lead. In. The. Play" I answered
"Oh really"
"Yeah. We are doing Aladdin and I am Jasmine"
"That's amazing, congrats"
"Thanks" I flopped on my bed and called my mom to tell her the news. This summer just keeps on getting better.

A/N: I had so much fun writing this chapter. I might not be able to update much this week since I'm on spring break but I will try. Hope you enjoyed it.

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