Chapter 22 The Song Goes On

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Mitch's POV

"So?" Kirstie questioned me as we went to music, after I hung up with Scott.
"So what?" I teased even though I knew exactly what she was asking
"How's your boyfriend?"
"Well I know that"
"Stomach flu"
"How long?"
"Til when?"
"We get him back?"
"When he's better"
"I get that. Any clue when that'll be?"
"Few days"
"What about Battle of the Bands?"
"If he's not better he will be there for our performance and that's it"
"You okay? You look upset"
"I don't know, Kirst. I mean, Scott's been taking care of me since the accident, I-I don't know. I'm probably just tired"
"Mitch, I totally understand. You were leaning on him for everything and now you're not sure how to handle all of it. I'd be the exact same way, don't feel bad about it, 'kay"
"Alright, here, let me get the door for you"
"Looks like we switched"
"What do you mean?"
"Normally the man hold the door for the lady"
"Well our situation is a little different"
I hobbled in following the group and took my seat.
"No Scott?" Ben asked once we were all settled
"No, he's in the infirmary" I answered
"Is he okay?"
"It's nothing major, just the stomach flu"
"Any idea when he'll be back? We can't practice without him"
"No idea, couple of days maybe"
"Hey guys, I have an idea"

Scott's POV

I was scrolling through some form of social media when there was a knock on the door.
"Come in" I said quietly
"Hey, Scott, you have some visitors can I bring them back here?" Ariel asked "it's Mitch, Kirstie, and some others"
"Yeah, bring them back"
Before I knew it Mitch, Kirstie, Kevin, Avi, and Ben were all seated around in the small room.
"Sorry to just show up without calling, but we all thought that it would be best since we can't really practice without you" Ben said
"It's no big deal, I was getting kinda lonely anyway"
"You don't need to be as loud as you normally are, just take it easy"
"Will do"
Before I knew we were all singing beautifully together.
"Lunch is here!" Ariel called as she entered my room with two trays "do you mind if I join you?"
"Please eat with me, it's kinda lonely here without anyone"
"Well I'd love to join you. I don't mean to be annoying but have you called your parents to let them know about this?"
"Yeah, I did after the band and Ben left"
"Alright. So...."

Kirstie's POV

I felt bad when I left Scott, he just seemed so lonely. It's weird without Scott. Mitch was so dependent on Scott and now he is pretty dependent on me, but he is also getting more independent, which is great for him, but he is also struggling a lot. I'm a lot shorter than Scott, so some of the stuff that Mitch needed help with I am having issues with because I am vertically challenged. I noticed that Scott is in the same room that Mitch was in and Mitch seemed very uncomfortable for the entire time we were in the infirmary with Scott.
"Hey babe" Jeremy greeted me as I walked into theater.
"Everyone gather round!!" Violet yelled bringing us all huddled around her "for those of you in battle of the bands, you know that the bands are starting YouTube channels, well the theater program is starting one too!! The first video I want to put up is Kirstin singing Somewhere Over The Rainbow. Kirstin, do you mind if we do that now?"
"Not at all. Let's do it!!"

Mitch's POV

I quickly showered after our afternoon activity eager to see Scott.
"Hey Esther?"I asked approaching her
"What's up?"
"Can I got visit Scott"
"Of course, just text me and let me know when you'll be back"
"Awesome, thanks"
I hobbled to the infirmary slower than normal. I really wanted to see Scott, but the room he was in brought back some really bad memories from my accident. I've been having nightmares ever since, but I don't want to worry him about it. Not now. Not with him like this, I don't want him to worry about me now. When he's out of the infirmary I'll tell him.
I slowly approached the door and pushed it open. I was greeted by Ariel.
"Mitch! Hi! You here for Scott?"
"Yeah, can I go back there?"
"Of course, you know where the room is right?"
"Uh, yeah"
"Everything okay? You seem a little unsure"
"It's just the memories and flashbacks"
"Alright, well you should probably go see Scott, but you can come here and talk to me if you need to"
"Thanks, I might need that"
I went down the hall to Scott's room.
"Hey," I said as I made my way to the chair next to his bed.
"How much longer do you think-"
"Just tomorrow then back to the bunk"
There was one of the most awkward silences until Scott spoke.
"You okay?"
"Okay, what's going on"
"Well, not really"
"What's up?"
"I don't want to make you worry about it"
"Just tell me"
"Ugh. Fine. I've been having nightmares, every night. Since the accident."
"What are they about?"
"Travis. It's always something with him, and it's not pleasant"
"Aww Mitchie" he patted the bed next to him and maneuvered onto the bed next to him. "Do you wanna spend the night with me here?"
"Let me make sure I can with Ariel and text Esther"
"You can definitely stay if it's okay with Esther" Ariel piped in.
"Awesome. I'll text Esther"
Mitch: can I stay at the infirmary over night?
Esther: is it okay with the nurses?
Mitch: yeah
Esther: then you can
"I can stay!!" I exclaimed after my quick text conversation with Esther
"Sleepover!!" I joked

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